polytrauma, hypokinetic osteoporosis, kidney, hypodynamicsAbstract
SUMMARY. The aim – to study the effect of polytrauma on structural changes in kidney tissues in the post-traumatic period in animals with hypokinetic osteoporosis.
Material and Methods. Experiments were performed on 42 non-linear white male rats weighing 200–220 g. In the first series of experiments in animals, hypokinetic osteoporosis was induced by the method of Z. Kundurovich, after 2 months of modeling a polytrauma. In the second series, animals without osteoporosis were similarly injured. Animals were extracted from the experiment for 10, 20 and 30 days. For histological examination, the tissues of the kidney were removed, their structure was studied normally, as well as the nature and depth of morphological changes after the simulated polytrauma.
Results and Discussion. Studies showed that on day 10 of the experiment in animals without osteoporosis and in animals with osteoporosis, changes in the kidneys were relatively the same: in the kidneys there was a plethora of vessels of inertial tissue, mainly of the venous type, and plethora of glomeruli. There was observed protein dystrophy of the epithelium in the distal and proximal tubules. Weak dystrophic changes were on day 20 day in the renal tissue of animals with osteoporosis. Оn 30 day in animals with hypokinetic osteoprorosis in the kidneys develops plethora of glomeruli and vessels of the interstitial tissue of the cortical layer, protein dystrophy of the epithelium of the distal and proximal tubules.
Conclusions. These histological abnormalities in the kidneys in general confirm the development of systemic disorders in traumatic disease, which in animals without osteoporosis increase by the 20th day and subside by the 30th. In the case of concomitant hypokinetic osteoporosis, histological abnormalities are longer.
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