
  • V. V. Dunaevskaya O. Lukianova Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the NAMS of Ukraine National Cancer Institute, Kyiv
  • T. F. Tatatrchuk O. Lukianova Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the NAMS of Ukraine
  • N. F. Zakharenko Center for Innovative Medical Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



вульва, склерозуючий лишай, менопауза, постменопауза, дисплазія, рак, новоутворення, онкобілок, статеві губи, папілома


SUMMARY. The problem of dystrophic diseases and cancer of the vulva still remains unresolved. In recent decades, there has been an increase in the number of degenerative diseases of the vulva, on the background of which from 9 to 49 % of cases malignant tumors appear. Therefore, it is necessary to consider this problem in more detail.

The aim – to determine the causes of sclerosing herpes and vulvar cancer.

Material and Methods. 110 patients with sclerosing herpes of the vulva, 60 patients with vulvar cancer were examined; 100 postmenopausal patients who did not have clinical manifestations of vulvar disease were in the control group.

Results. It was specified that the number of observations with a high content of estrogen receptors in normal vulvar tissue is 35.5 %, while in vulvar dystrophy the number of observations with a high level of receptors is only 5.8 %. It was noted that in vulvar cancer, estrogen receptors were missing in the vast majority of cases (85.6 %). As the postmenopause duration increases, the number of estrogen-negative results in sclerosing herpes gets higher, accounting for a total of 58.8 % of all studies.

Conclusions. The idea of the features and etiology of dystrophic processes and vulvar cancer in the postmenopausal period forms a differentiated approach to the implementation of preventive measures. In this sense, prevention acquires a pathogenetic focus. Our studies have demonstrated the key role of balance disorder of estrogen metabolite and viral infection in the pathogenesis of dystrophic processes and vulvar cancer.


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How to Cite

Dunaevskaya, V. V., Tatatrchuk, T. F., & Zakharenko, N. F. (2021). MODERN VIEW ON THE ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS OF PRE-CANCER DISEASES AND VULVAR CANCER. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 84–94.



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