uveitis, objectivization of inflammation assessment, ocular surface temperature, histomorphological conditionAbstract
SUMMARY. Today it᾽s extremely important to develop objective methods for assessing intraocular inflammation.
The aim of the study – to learn the histomorphology of rabbit eye with induced non-infectious anterior and intermediate uveitis with normalization of the ocular surface temperature.
Material and Methods. The temperature of the ocular surface in the projection of the ciliary body pars plana was measured on 17 chinchilla rabbits with induced non-infectious anterior and intermediate uveitis. The histomorphological examination of 6 rabbits’ eyes was carried out.
Results and Discussion. The average day of temperature normalization is 46 days (SD 8.8). In the late period of the experiment, the ciliary body, like the iris, no longer exhibits signs of edema and is not infiltrated by numerous immunocompetent cells (mainly lymphocytes and plasmocytes), as we observed at the early period. Regarding the vitreous body, its structure has undergone significant changes in comparison with the early observation period. First of all, this is expressed by a sharp decrease in the number of cells of the lymphoid series, which were located in it in the previous period. In addition, the tinctorial properties of the vitreous are enhanced, which indicates in favor of its induration. Regarding the morphological state of the eyeball layers, we can say that the choroid looks unchanged. Such a phenomenon as the formation of multiple retinal tractions into the vitreous body is a new pathological formation that did not occur at the previous early stage. The main thing in the eye histological picture changes in comparison with the previous early period of the study, is the manifestations of active inflammation decline.
Conclusions. According to the results of a histomorphological study, in a rabbit with induced non-infectious anterior and intermediate uveitis normalization of the ocular surface temperature occurs in the phase of proliferation and completion of the inflammatory process.
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