pulmonary hypertension, testicles, venous flowAbstract
Removal of the right or left lung can lead to postresection pulmonary arterial hypertension, venous stasis in the circulatory system and structural and functional changes in them. Morphological changes of the venous bed of the testes in postresection pulmonary arterial hypertension are insufficiently studied.
The aim – to study the features of remodeling of the venous flow of the testicles in postresection pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Material and Methods. Morphological methods were used to study the venous flow of the testicles of 45 laboratory white male rats, which were divided into 3 groups. Pulmonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary heart were modeled by performing right-sided pulmonectomy in experimental animals. Separate weighing of heart chambers and their planimetry was performed. On histological micronutrients from testicles the diameter of capillary venules, venules, diameter of external vessels, diameter of internal of venous vessels, height of endotheliocytes of venous vessels, diameter of their nuclei, cytoplasmic ratios in these cells, the relative volumes of damaged endothelial cells were determined Program analysis of the obtained data was performed in the program Statistica Soft 13.0.
Results. A comprehensive analysis of morphometric parameters revealed that most of them in the simulated pathology changed markedly. Thus, the diameter of the capillary venules in the compensated pulmonary heart statistically (p<0.01) significantly increased from (12.82±0.09) μm to (13.40±0.12) μm, ie by 4.5 %, and the diameter of the venules is 2.3 % (p<0.05). The inner and outer diameters of the venous vessels changed similarly. The outer diameter of these venous structures statistically significantly (p<0.05) increased by almost 3.1 %, and the inner – by 2.8 % (p<0.05). The height of endothelial cells of venous vessels, the diameters of their nuclei in the conditions of compensated pulmonary heart did not change significantly. Nuclear-cytoplasmic relations in endothelial cells were not changed, which indicated the stability of cellular structural homeostasis.
The studied morphometric parameters of venous vessels in decompensated pulmonary heart changed more markedly. Thus, the diameter of the capillary venules in these experimental conditions with a pronounced statistically significant difference (p<0.001) increased by 19.1 %. The diameters of venules, which increased from (26.96±0.18) μm to (32.84±0.21) μm, ie by 22.2 % (p<0.001), also underwent a similar structural adjustment. The external and internal diameters of the veins were also increased in these experimental conditions. The specified external parameter of venous vessels statistically significantly (p<0.001) increased by 18.5 %, and the inner diameter – 22.3 % (p<0.001). The detected remodeling of venous vessels led to thinning of their walls. Optically and morphologically changes of structures dominated at decompensation of pulmonary heart.
Conclusion. The obtained data show that postresection pulmonary arterial hypertension leads to pronounced structural changes in the venous line of the testis, which significantly disrupts the drainage of venous blood from this organ, impairs its trophic supply and plays an important role in the pathomorphogenesis of its lesion. The most pronounced degree of remodeling of venous vessels was in the decompensation of the pulmonary heart.
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