mechanical muscle injury, platelet-rich plasma, proteinase inhibitory systemAbstract
Disorders of the proteinase-inhibitory system play an important role in the pathogenesis of many pathological processes. Excessive proteolysis can lead to the development of a number of pathological conditions that are accompanied by destructive, inflammatory and immune reactions.
The aim of the study – to establish the features of the functioning of the proteinase/inhibitors proteinase system under conditions of traumatic muscle injury in the experiment and to find out the effect of platelet-rich blood plasma on the state of protease/antiprotease activity.
Material and Methods. Thigh muscle injury was modeled according to the developed technique under conditions of thiopental sodium anesthesia. Experimental animals were divided into three groups: I – control (without simulated pathology), II – animals with traumatic injury to the thigh muscles without the introduction of platelet-rich blood plasma, III – animals with traumatic injury to the thigh muscles and the administration of platelet-rich blood plasma. The preparation of PRP took place in two stages. The effect of correction of platelet-rich blood plasma on changes in proteolytic properties and antiproteolytic activity of blood in an experiment with traumatic muscle injury, which was corrected with platelet-rich blood plasma, was analyzed. The sampling of biological material was carried out on the 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st days after the traumatic muscle injury. Spectrophotometric techniques were used to study the activity of the proteinase system and the content of proteolysis inhibitors.
Results and Discussion. Platelet-rich blood plasma (PRP) was studied for indicators of the proteinase-inhibitory system of the blood. In animals with muscular trauma, an increase in the proteolytic activity of the blood was observed against the background of a slight increase in the content of α1-protease inhibitor and α2-macroglobulin, which indicates an insufficient increase in antiproteolytic potential to inhibit the development of destruction. In animals that were injected with PRP after injury, there is a significant increase in proteolytic activity of the blood against the background of a more pronounced increase in antiprotease activity. This leads to a decrease in the proteolysis index.
Conclusions. With mechanical muscle injury, an intensive increase in the proteolytic activity of the blood is observed against the background of a slight increase in antiprotease activity. The use of PRP as a means of correction is accompanied by an increase in antiprotease activity and a decrease in the proteolysis index.
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