acute respiratory infection, influenza, bioregulatory drug, resolution of inflammation, treatment and prevention of complications, Traumel SAbstract
Every year 4.0–4.8 million cases of acute respiratory infections (ARI) and influenza are registered in Ukraine, which makes the research topic relevant. The most rational approach to the management of patients with ARI is a preventive approach. That is why in recent years scientists and practitioners have been recommending adjuvants that increase the body᾽s resistance to infections and restore the damaged functions of organs and systems of the sick person to the increasingly well-known tactics of managing patients with ARI "Expect and observe".
The aim of the study – to learn the effectiveness of the drug Traumel S in uncomplicated acute respiratory infection in adults and children to prevent complications of the upper and lower respiratory tract of inflammatory origin.
Material and Methods. To achieve this goal, a multicenter open prospective comparative clinical trial was conducted on 300 patients (200 adults and 100 children) with a confirmed diagnosis of ARI. The duration of the study was 21 days: the course of treatment – 14 days, the observation period – 7 days. Adults (men and women aged 18–65 years) and children of both sexes (aged 1–18 years) took part in the trial.
Results and Discussion. There was a statistically significant higher efficacy of complex treatment with the inclusion the tablets Traumel S course on the relief of clinical symptoms of ARI in patients and adults (p≤0.05), as well as on the prevention of inflammatory complications (complications were only 10.0 % of patients group with Traumel S and 47.0 % – patients of the standard treatment group), which contributed to a significantly lower need for NSAIDs and antibiotics (only 15.0 % of patients in the group with Traumel S required NSAIDs and 2.0 % – antibiotics in relation to 64.0 % and 33.0 % of patients in the standard therapy group).
Conclusions. The effectiveness of treatment with the inclusion of Traumel S was higher than standard treatment: a decrease of 12.5 % in leukocytes, 11.8 % – rod-shaped leukocytes, 11.4 % – segments, 6.6 % – ESR, 81.5 % – C-reactive protein, 9.6 % – an increase in lymphocytes (p≤0.05).
The higher efficiency of the medical complex strengthened by a course of Traumel S, on all pathologically changed parameters of the general analysis of blood of patients of children᾽s age is proved: decrease by 9.5 % – indicator of leukocytes, by 11.8 % – rod–shaped leukocytes, by 6.7 % – segments, 8.8 % – eosinophils, 23.9 % – ESR, 67.7 % – C–reactive protein (p≤0.05).
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