
  • L. P. Sydorchuk Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • V. S. Dzhuryak Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • O. M. Iftoda Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • O. M. Korovenkova Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi



hypertension, chronic kidney disease, correlation, approximation, models, gene CYP11B2 (rs1799998)


The combination of essential hypertension (EAH) and diabetes is the leading independent cause of kidney damage, accounting for 63 % of all cases of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

The aim – to evaluate correlations and develop the approximating models of the CKD occurrence in EAH patients, depending on the Cytochrome 11b2 Aldosterone Synthase Gene (CYP11B2, rs1799998) allelic state.

Material and Methods. 100 hypertensive patients with hypertensive-mediated target-organ damaging (stage 2), moderate, high or very high cardiovascular risk were enrolled in the case-control study and underwent complex of clinical-laboratory investigation with following epidemiological, correlation, regression analysis. Mean age (59.87±8.02) y.o. CKD was diagnosed according to the National Kidney Foundation recommendations (2012) after glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline measured by CKD-EPI equations after Creatinine, or Cystatin-C blood level. Control group included 48 practically healthy persons of relevant age. Gene's nucleotide polymorphism CYP11B2 (-344C/T) was examined by polymerase chain reaction in 72 EAH patients and in control group.

Results. GFR calculated for creatinine regardless of CYP11B2 gene (rs1799998) genotypes correlates directly with GFRcystatin-C (r=0.82; p<0.001) and depends inversely on the creatinine and cystatin-C concentration in blood, glucose blood level in C-genotype carriers (r= -0.53; p=0.042), as well as age (r=-0.51-0.54; p<0.05) and sex: in women with TC-genotype GFR creatinine is lower than in men (r= -0.38; p=0.02). In EAH patients GFR for cystatin-C regardless of CYP11B2 gene (rs1799998) genotypes correlates negatively strongly with creatinine and cystatin-C in the blood (r= 0.96-0.98; p<0.001). In patients with TT-genotype, GFR-cystatin-C is related moderately and inversely to the waist/hip circumference ratio (r= -0.52; p<0.011). The dependence of CKD development on GFR-creatinine in the examined population of EAH patients for all polymorphic variants of the CYP11B2 gene (rs1799998), and on GFR-cystatin-C for T-allele carriers can be approximated by logit-regression equations.

Conclusion. Models for approximating the CKD development in EAH patients are capable for GFR-creatinine for all CYP11B2 gene genotypes of(rs1799998), for GFR-cystatin-C – only for T-allele carriers of this gene.


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How to Cite

Sydorchuk, L. P., Dzhuryak, V. S., Iftoda, O. M., & Korovenkova, O. M. (2020). APPROXIMATION OF KIDNEY INJURY IN PRESENCE OF ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION DEPENDING ON THE CYP11B2 GENE (RS1799998) POLYMORPHISM . Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 172–177.



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