diabetes mellitus, diagnostic criteria, patient management, metabolic regulation, lifestyleAbstract
Due to the prevalence and chronic complications that accompany diabetes mellitus (DM), it is a significant health problem, as well as a financial and organizational burden for people and the state. Medical care for a patient with type 2 diabetes is five times more expensive than the average cost per patient in the population.
The aim – to analyze the algorithms for diagnosing and managing a patient with type 2 diabetes according to European protocols (Croatia and Slovenia) in general and on the example of the clinical situation.
Discussion. Patients with type 2 diabetes need comprehensive care in accordance with the principles of care for chronic patients in family medicine. When managing patients with diabetes, the family doctor performs the following important tasks: to prevent the occurrence of diabetes through measures to promote a healthy lifestyle; identify people at high risk of diabetes and try to delay the onset of the disease; detect diabetes by early recognition of a patient at high risk; reduce the occurrence of possible complications and mortality from diabetes through adequate management.
Conclusion. Diabetes is an important public health problem due to its high incidence and increasing prevalence. Treating patients with diabetes is a team effort. It requires the coordination of many stakeholders in the health care system. The family doctor manages and coordinates the care of the patient, who is at the center of this set of activities with all his expectations, desires and ideas about the disease and life with it. Management of a patient with diabetes mellitus should meet the following recommendations: the clinical goal of treatment of patients with diabetes is metabolic regulation and prevention of chronic complications. The goal focused on the patient is his quality of life and satisfaction with the care provided. The most important thing is to improve your lifestyle, which is the most difficult thing to achieve.
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