mental trauma factors, internally displaced personsAbstract
Today, Ukraine ranks ninth in the world in the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Large-scale forced internal migration in recent years could not but affect the health status of a particular social group, as well as the health status of the population as a whole.
The aim of the study – to learn the factors of mental trauma, their dynamics over time and the impact on mental health, the determination of stress resistance and social adaptation in HPE.
Material and Methods. Survey methods included clinical psychopathology with assessment of mental trauma factors, T. Holmes and R. Rahe (1967) methods for determining stress tolerance and social adaptation to assess current levels of stress during the last year, and statistical methods.
The study was conducted at the State Institution “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” in the Department of Border Psychiatry. A total of 213 IDPs were surveyed. All of the surveyed were divided into 3 groups: group I included 94 IDPs from the general population who had no identified psychiatric disorders (conditionally healthy), group II (risk group) waxed 68 people who had identified certain psychiatric symptoms that were not clinical level, made up and in group III included 51 people who sought medical help and having mental disorders.
Results. All subjects were evaluated for stress factors, including, physiological, psycho-emotional, socio-psychological and information factors and reflected their dynamics over time. The conducted assessment of the level of resistance showed its differences in the examined healthy, patients and risk groups.
Conclusions. An assessment of the influence of stressful factors on IDP indicates their combined effect, varying degrees of pathogenicity, and dynamics over time.
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