
  • T. G. Krivonis M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • I. V. Zhulkevych I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



clinical-psychological phenomena, cancer patients, gender, psychological help, psycho-oncology


Cancer causes significant shifts in the mental functioning of patients, manifesting as reactions and phenomena, as well as clinically pronounced mental disorders.

The aim of the study – to learn the peculiarities of the manifestation of clinical and psychological phenomena in cancer patients depending on gender.

Material and Methods. On the informed consent at specialized medical cancer institutions in Vinnytsia, 286 cancer patients were examined: 174 women (GW) and 114 men (GM). The patients were studied at different stages of the oncopathology, namely, at the first contact with the disease – 78 women and 51 men, and after the return of the disease – 96 women and 63 men.

Results. The structure of clinical-psychological phenomena in men and women was similar and distributed as follows: the phenomenon of "life gap" (80.5 % in GW and 81.6 % in GM), "new beginning" (79.3 % and 78, respectively). 1 %), "sorters" (69.5 % and 60.5 %), "pendulum" (39.1 % and 33.3 %), "externalization" (22.4 % and 24.6 %), "decentralization” (20.7 % and 24.6 %) and “induction” (18.4 % and 17.5 %). Women showed a tendency to be more selective in the perception of psycho-traumatic information, changes in psycho-emotional state in connection with cancer, formation of dependent relationships, while for men was typical use psychological defense mechanisms aimed to externalized psychological tension.

The progression of cancer led to increasing psychological tension, pessimism about prognoses, increased selectivity in the perception of information, deformation of interpersonal relations, and increasing intensity of psychological defense mechanisms.

Conclusions. The study of clinical-psychological phenomena in cancer patients is important for the organization of medical-psychological help. Differences in the psychological state of patients, occurring at different stages of the disease and depending on the gender, determine the basis for differentiation of medical -psychological measures.


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How to Cite

Krivonis, T. G., & Zhulkevych, I. V. (2020). GENDER FEATURES OF CLINICAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENA IN CANCER PATIENTS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 115–119.



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