
  • K. A. Kosenko "Odesa Regional Medical Center of Mental Health" of the Odesa Regional Council Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • K. D. Gaponov Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



sailors of long-distance voyages, command staff of the merchant fleet, command staff of the passenger-carrying fleet, psychosocial stress, addictive status


The aim – to investigate the intensity of addictive status in the representatives of the command staff of the merchant and passenger-carrying fleets with different levels of psychosocial stress, to determine the need to create system-specific measures for the protection of their mental health.

Material and Methods. Based on informed consent in compliance with the principles of bioethics and deontology, 180 sailors of long-distance voyages were surveyed in 2016–2019: 110 members of command staff of the merchant fleet, and 70 members of the passenger-carrying fleet. The study involved the use of clinical psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods.

Results. The results of the study have established that representatives of the command staff of the merchant and passenger-carrying fleets have a number of addictive phenomena of chemical and non-chemical origin, the severity of which, in the vast majority, are at the level of “safe consumption” or “harmful consumption”. “Harmful consumption” is primarily established by tobacco and coffee/tea among chemical objects, and behavioral – by a triad of information technology related objects – the Internet, computer games and television. Within the same range of severity of addiction, with the overwhelming number of objects higher intensity of addictive status (by averaged indicators) are characterized for the members of command staff of the merchant fleet, compared to the members of the passenger-carrying fleet.

Conclusions. The intensity of addictive status in the command staff of the merchant and passenger-carrying fleets increases as the psychosocial stress experienced by the surveyed progresses.

The identified patterns should be taken into account when developing specific measures of psychotherapy and psychoprophylaxis for this contingent, which is the perspective of this study.


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How to Cite

Kosenko, K. A., & Gaponov, K. D. (2020). ANALYSIS OF ADDICTIVE PHENOMENA IN THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMAND STAFF OF THE MERCHANT AND PASSENGER-CARRYING FLEETS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 97–105.



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