
  • Yu. A. Fedchenkova Nizhyn Mykola Hohol State University
  • L. S. Fira І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. P. Khvorost National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv
  • K. S. Skrebtsova National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv



conditionally therapeutic dose, toxic hepatitis, antioxidant effect, liquid extract of common hazel leaves


At the present stage, a significant number of drugs are used that can affect the oxidative processes in the body in various pathological conditions. However, the search for new highly effective and low-toxic drugs continues. Common hazel – a common plant of domestic flora, the leaves of which are widely used as anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor. Actual is the study of the antioxidant effect of the original domestic phytochemicals – a liquid extract of common hazel leaves.

The aim – to establish the minimum effective dose of the liquid extract of common hazel leaves and to study its antioxidant properties in a model of toxic damage to rat liver.

Material and Methods. The experiments were carried out on white male rats in compliance with all rules for working with vertebrate animals. Toxic liver damage was modeled by introducing into the rats a 50 % solution of carbon tetrachloride in a dose of 1.0 ml/kg body weight. The animals obtained liquid extract from hazel leaves at a dose of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 ml/kg body weight. The development of oxidative stress was studied by the content of TBA-active products, ceruloplasmin and catalase activity. The activity of cytological processes was investigated by the erythrocyte index of intoxication and the activity of aminotransferases in the affected body.

Results. It was found that damage to the liver of rats with tetrachloromethane leads to the activation of lipid peroxidation processes, as indicated by an increase in the serum of animals and liver of TBA-active products and changes in the antioxidant system (increase in ceruloplasmin in serum and a decrease in catalase activity). Under the conditions of the lesion, the activity of aminotransferases in blood serum increased and, accordingly, decreased in the liver of toxic animals, which indicates cytolysis of hepatocytes after liver damage to rats with carbon tetrachloride.

The use of a liquid extract of common hazel leaves at a dose of 0.2 ml/kg showed an effect on the studied parameters, bringing them closer to the level of rats of intact control. Doses of 0.05 and 0.1 ml/kg were ineffective for the studied parameters.

Сonclusions. The minimum effective dose of the liquid extract of hazel leaves was found to be 0.2 ml/kg of animal weight, which showed pronounced antioxidant properties in toxic hepatitis in rats.


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How to Cite

Fedchenkova, Y. A., Fira, L. S., Khvorost, O. P., & Skrebtsova, K. S. (2020). ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DOSE OF LIQUID EXTRACT OF COMMON HAZEL LEAVES AND STUDY OF ITS ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 129–135.



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