
  • M. M. Regeda-Furdychko Lviv Medical Institute




contact dermatitis, malonic dialdehyde, diene conjugate, superoxidedismutase, catalase, glutationperoxidase, glutationreductase


The aim of the work – to study the features of the conditions of prooxidant and antioxidant system in the lungs of guinea pigs in the development of contact dermatitis.

Materials and Methods. Researches were conducted on guinea pigs, divided into five groups: I – control, II – 4th day of experiment, III – 8th day of contact dermatitis development, IV – 10th day and V – 18th day of model process. Early period included groups of animals on the 4th and 8th days of experiment. The late one – guinea pigs on the 10th and 18th days of contact dermatitis. Experimental contact dermatitis was simulated by method of V. A. Volkova (2010). Condition of free radical lipid oxidization in the lungs was determined on maintenance content of malonic dialdehyde by method of E. H. Korobeinikov (1989) and diene conjugates by method of V. H. Havrylov, M. I. Myshkorudna (1989). The degree of activity of antioxidant defence was estimated on maintenance enzymes – superoxidedismutase by method of R. Fried (1975), catalase by the method of B. Holmes, C. Masters (1970), glutationperoxidase method of O. G. Arkhipova (1988) and glutationreductase method of V. M. Moina (1986).

Results and Discussion. Gradual intensive increasing of lipid peroxidation products – malonic dialdehyde, diene conjugate had been determined in this research, especially expressed on the 18th day of experiment. Decreasing of the indices of superoxidedismutase, glutationreductase, glutationperoxidase and catalase was investigated in the lungs of guinea pigs in the late period of formation of experimental contact dermatitis. The got results testify about imbalance in antioxidant and prooxidant systems in pathogenesis of contact dermatitis development. It shows up increasing of free radicals synthesis on the background of exhaustion of compensatory reactions.


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How to Cite

Regeda-Furdychko, M. M. (2020). DYNAMICS OF CHANGES IN THE PROCESSES OF LIPOPEROXIDATION AND ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEM IN LUNGS IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF EXPERIMENTAL CONTACT DERMATITIS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 106–110. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2019.v.i4.10809



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