
  • O. O. Belov M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • N. G. Pshuk M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University



endogenous depressive disorders, clinical phenomenology


Problem of depressive disorders is one of the actual problems in modern psychiatry.

The aim – to investigate the clinical phenomenology of endogenous depressive disorders at the present stage in gender and age aspects.

Material and Methods. We have clinically examined 107 men and 138 women diagnosed with depressive disorder in MCH-10 in the period 2015–2019.

Results and Discussion. In men, the proportion of all depressive symptoms, with the exception of lowered self-esteem, is found to increase with age: lowered mood from 84.2 % in 30–44 age group to 93.5 % in 30–44 age group and up to 100 % in age group 45 years and older, anhedonia – respectively from 68.4 % to 82.6 % and 82.6 %, fatigue from 78.9 % to 82.6 % and 82.6 %, pessimism from 76.3 % to 82.6 % and 82.6 %, feelings of guilt, futility, anxiety or fear from 71.1 % to 80.4 % and 95.7 %, suicidal thoughts from 52.6 % to 63.0 % and 78.3 %, appetite disorders from 47.4 % to 67.4 % and 78.3 %, dyssomnia from 86.8 % to 95.7 % and 95.7 %. Women have a complex age dynamics: respectively 82.4 %, 96.2 % and 97.1 % for lowered mood, 86.3 %, 88.7 % and 82.4 % for anhedonia, and 90.2 %, 86.8 % and 88.2 % for fatigue, 86.3 %, 84.9 % and 88.2 % for pessimism, 86.3 %, 94.3 % and 97.1 % for guilt, futility, anxiety or fear, 88.2 %, 77.4 % and 79.4 % for low self-esteem, 68.6 %, 62.3 % and 82.4 % for suicidal thoughts, 76.5 %, 75.5 % and 85.3% for appetite disorders, 90.2 %, 92.5 % and 97.1 % for dyssomnia. Significant (p<0.05) differences between men and women were identified for anhedonia, guilt, futility, anxiety or fear, low self-esteem, and appetite disorders.

Conclusions. Clinical phenomenology of depressive disorders at the symptomatic level is caused by certain gender and age differences, which are, in particular, in the predominance of anxiety and somatovegetative symptoms in women with asthenic-depressive manifestations, and in men with uniform dynamics of worsening by all main depression symptoms.


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How to Cite

Belov, O. O., & Pshuk, N. G. (2020). CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN ENDOGENOUS DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS AT THE SYMPTOMATOLOGICAL LEVEL . Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 36–40.



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