
  • R. M. Ponyk Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • Z. I. Korytko Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture




rheumatoid arthritis, prevalence, incidence, mortality, rehabilitation features


Summary. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory joint disease seen in 1 % of the world population. The age-span of the disease is five decades (women average 41 years, men 45 years). Women have rheumatoid arthritis 2–4 times more often. The ratio of women to men averages 3: 1. According to international data, the survival of patients with RA who do not reach clinical and laboratory remission can be compared with the survival of such serious illnesses as diabetes, acute cerebral circulation, coronary heart disease. Compared with persons of the same sex and age who do not suffer from RA, the mortality rate in patients with this pathology is 2.5 times higher, and in general, for various reasons, RA reduces the life expectancy of patients by 5–10 years. This disease is not only a major medical problem because of its progressive nature, unpredictability and lack of treatment efficiency, but it is also of great social importance due to the high incidence of disability and rising disability.

In addition, RA has a great impact on the daily lives of patients, since unpredictable disease progression causes patients to fear the future. RA patients are concerned about increasing mobility limitations and side effects of treatment. They have the fear of losing the opportunity to care for themselves, which affects self-awareness and adversely affects all areas of the lives of such patients: work, leisure, environment, behavior, family relationships, including sexual activity.

Therefore, for effective treatment and rehabilitation of such patients, it is advisable to create a team of specialists (physician, pharmacologist, psychologist, nutritionist, physical therapist and ergotherapist), who will accompany the patient at all stages of treatment (hospital, sanatorium and at home).


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How to Cite

Ponyk, R. M., & Korytko, Z. I. (2019). DISEASE AND PECULIARITIES OF REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS IN THE PRESENT TIME. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 183–187. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2019.v.i3.10504



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