
  • M. S. Hnatiuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • I. V. Bodnarchuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • L. V. Tatarchuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



desquamative glossitis, venous bed of the tongue


Desquamative glossitis, as an independent pathology, is often diagnosed, and its diagnosis is not easy. In the morphogenesis of desquamative glossitis, an important role belongs to the venous vessels of the tongue, which is not sufficiently investigated for this disease.

The aim – to study the morphogenesis of the venous bed of the tongue with desquamative glossitis using quantitative morphological methods.

Material and Methods. Morphometric study of the venous bed of the tongue of 30 white male rats, which were divided into 2 groups. The grouр 1 consisted of 15 intact animals, 2 – 15 rats with desquamative glossitis. The indicated pathology was modeled by the creation of burns of the tongue by the application of acetic acid. Euthanasia of experimental animals was carried out by bloodletting under conditions of thiopental anesthesia two weeks after the beginning of the experiment. The tongue was cut into pieces, which were fixed in a 10 % neutral formalin solution after were made through ethyl alcohol of increasing concentration and filled with paraffin. Microtomy sections 5–7 μm thick after deparaffinization stained hematoxylin-eosin, van Gizon, Mallory, Weigert, toluidine blue.

On histological micropreparations, morphometry of the venous structures of the tongue was performed, in which the diameter of the capillary venules, venules, venous vessels, the height of the endothelial cells, their nuclei, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratios in these cells, and the relative volumes of damaged endothelial cells were determined. Morphometric parameters of venous vessels were processed statistically.

Results and Discussion. It was established that desquamative glossitis led to the structural rearrangement of the venous bed of the tongue. The diameter of the capillary venules increased by 14.2 %, venules – by 16.7 %, and veins – by 13.6 % compared to control parameters. The height of endothelial cells of venous vessels at desquamative glossitis decreased by 4.25 %, and the diameter of their nuclei was 4.1 %, and the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio increased by 5.3 %, indicating a violation of structural cellular homeostasis. The relative volume of damaged endothelial cells in the venous bed increased by 17.4 times.

Optically, in the micropreparations of the tongue, vascular disorders were observed, characterized by plethora of mainly venous vessels, perivasal edema, stasis in the venous part of the hemomycocirculatory bed, and the cells of diapedeous hemorrhages. There were also dystrophic, necrosis changes in epithelial cells, myocytes, endothelial cells, stromal structures, infiltrative and sclerotic processes. The contours of the walls of the venous vessels are fuzzy, there was an alternation of swollen sclerotic, hypertrophied and groinous areas. These changes led to a violation of venous outflow, deposition of blood in the veins, which led to an increase in resistance to its movement and to disturbance of drainage of venous blood. The revealed structural changes indicated the presence of a vein-arterial reaction, aimed at maintaining a complete blood supply to the investigated organ. The contours of the veins with uneven lumen, varicose enlargement, sucking, twisting. There were also narrowed areas of veins with gated walls. The above mentioned shows that the simulated pathology leads to a pronounced structural rearrangement of the venous bed of the tongue, that is to the structural-functional changes of all parts of its venous drainage system.

Conclusion. Modified desquamative glossitis leads to the remodeling of the venous bed of the tongue, which is characterized by pronounced enlargement and pluripotency of venous vessels, a violation of their venous drainage function, dystrophic, necrosis, infiltrative and sclerotic processes in the organ examined.


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How to Cite

Hnatiuk, M. S., Bodnarchuk, I. V., & Tatarchuk, L. V. (2019). MORPHOMETRIC EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL RECONSTRUCTION OF VENOUS BED OF THE TONGUE AT DESQUAMATIVE GLOSSITIS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 88–92.



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