
  • A. M. Barbe Bukovinian State Medical University
  • A. M. Berbets Bukovinian State Medical University
  • O. M. Yuzko Bukovinian State Medical University




rat, endometriosis, carbogolin, cysts


Endometriosis is a chronic, benign hormone-dependent condition in which tissue grows outside the uterine mucosa, identical to the morphological and functional properties of uterine endometria. One of the promising areas of conservative treatment of external genital endometriosis is the suppression of angiogenesis by the use of dopamine agonists.

The aim – determination of the effectiveness of dopamine agonists on the experimental model of endometriosis on white female rats.

Material and Methods. 21 adult non-linear white female rats Rattus Norvegicus Wistar weighing 170–200 g; macroscopic and histological studies of endometriotic lesions. Individuals were randomly divided into a control group (20 rats) and a research group (21 rats).

Results and Discussion. When determining the types of lesions, the following data were obtained: in 72.5 %, cystic structures at the sites of autotransplantation implants were not defined or small caruncular structures without signs of development were determined, in 17.5 % cysts with transparent contents at the implant site were determined, and in 10 % cysts were determined with muddy contents. Microscopic examination of endometriotic lesions in a group of animals to which cabergoline was applied showed a flattened glandular secreting epithelium. When conducting a comparative analysis of morphometric parameters in this group compared with the control group of animals, it was determined that the height of epithelial cells (18.06 μm versus 50.01 μm), the height of the secretory pole of epithelial cells (4.83 μm against 16.3 μm) and area of the nuclei (18,71 μm2 versus 76.27 μm2) were significantly less (p<0.0001) than in the control group. On the other hand, the relative density of the nucleus in the experiment group was higher (93.65 versus 84.92) than in the control (p<0.05).

Conclusions. The use of cabergoline in rats with induced experimental endometriosis at a dose of 0.03 mg/kg body weight for 14 days resulted in a significant decrease in the formation of cyst-like formations at the site of implants, a decrease in macroscopic size and volume of lesions, a reduction in the size of epithelial cells and their activity.


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How to Cite

Barbe, A. M., Berbets, A. M., & Yuzko, O. M. (2019). FEATURES OF EXPERIMENTAL ENDOMETRIOSIS IN THE APPLICATION OF THE AGONIST OF DOPAMINE RECEPTORS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 75–82. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2019.v0.i2.10372



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