
  • N. I. Sheiko Uzhhorod National University
  • V. P. Feketa Uzhhorod National University




vein questionnaire, autonomic dysfunction syndrome, index of activity of regulatory system


The syndrome of autonomous dysfunctions (SAD) is a polyethiologic syndrome characterized by a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and functional disorders from all systems of the body. The prevalence of SAD, according to some authors, is from 20 to 56 % of all diseases in young people, inferior to only ARVI.

The aim – to identify students with autonomic dysfunctions and evaluate their functional status quantitatively by using the indicator of the activity of regulatory systems (IARS).

Material and Methods. The study involved 100 international students from the 2nd-3rd year of students of the medical faculty (group 1), and 100 Ukrainian students of junior high schools of other faculties (group 2) of both sexes aged 17–23. For the screening of autonomic dysfunctions questionnaires were performed on the standard questionnaire by A. M. Vein. For the objective characterization of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system, indicators of heart rate variability were obtained using the 5-minute second registration with the computer diagnostic complex “CardioLab” (“KhAI-Medika”, Ukraine). Reducing the adaptive capacity of the body was determined by using the indicator of the activity of regulatory systems (IARS).

Results. According to the questionnaire by A. M. Vein autonomic dysfunctions were found in 32 foreign students or 32 %, and 21 or 21 % among Ukrainians. However, objectively the presence of autonomic dysfunctions confirmed by indicators of heart rate variability among foreigners was only 18 persons – 18 %, and among Ukrainians – 11 students, that is 11 % according to the total number of students polled. In particular, 50 % of foreign students and 54.5 % of Ukrainian students had moderate functional tension, that is prenosological conditions, IARS 2–4; 22.2 % of foreign students and 27.3 % of Ukrainian students had a pronounced functional tension, that is premorbid condition, IARS 5–6; 11.1 % of foreign students and 9.1 % of Ukrainian students had a pronounced functional stress, poor adaptation status, and IARS 7–8; 16.7 % of foreign students and 9.1 % of Ukrainian students had an underestimate (depletion) of regulatory systems, IARS 9–10.

Conclusions. The questionnaire by A. M. Vein can be used for the screening of autonomic dysfunctions syndrome, but objective confirmation is required by measuring the heart rate variability.


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How to Cite

Sheiko, N. I., & Feketa, V. P. (2019). POSSIBILITIES OF USING A STANDARDIZED EXAMINER FOR THE DETERMINATION OF AUTOMATIC DYSFUNCTIONS IN THE YOUNG AGE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 170–174. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2019.v0.i2.10137



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