
  • O. Ye. Liubovych I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • I. M. Klishch I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



stress, hypothyroidism, endogenous intoxication


Stress is a reflection of all adaptive reactions of the organism, nonspecific biological phenomena that arise in response to the action of various stimuli, aimed at the implementation of adaptive mechanisms, and adapt the body to stressful effects. An important role in the implementation of adaptive reactions of the body belongs to hormones of the thyroid gland, which can mobilize the body's reserves to eliminate the damage caused by the action of stress factor. The thyroid axis is naturally involved in the processes of adapting the organism to the action of extraordinary stimuli. However, the changes in the thyroid function themselves under stress and adaptation do not allow to assess the value of thyroid hormones in adaptive responses. A complex study of the hormonal spectrum and the state of endogenous intoxication in an organism of experimental animals with a changed thyroid status in conditions of additional stressful effects of different nature is necessary.

The aim – to study the indices of endogenous intoxication at immobilization stress in rats with experimental hypothyroidism.

Material and Methods. Hypothyroidism was modeled by daily introduction of Mercazolil thyrostatic per os ("Zdorovia", Ukraine) at a dose of 25 mg/kg during 21 days. Acute immobilization stress was modeled by binding the experimental rats in supine position by the 4 limbs without limiting the mobility of the head during 3 hours. Spectrophotometric and immuno-enzymatic methods were used to study the concentration of iodine-containing hormones of the thyroid gland, endogenous intoxication and activity of catabolic processes.

Results and Discussion. It was established that in conditions of deficiency of iodine-containing hormones of the thyroid gland, endotoxicosis rates are significantly higher than in animals without a simulated pathology. In the study of the effect of immobilization stress on indicators of endogenous intoxication, it was established that at the stage of anxiety of the development of stress reaction in euthyroid animals, the indices of the average mass molecules, the erythrocytic index of intoxication, and the content of circulating immune complexes increase, indicating an increase in endotoxicosis. At the stage of resistance there is a certain stabilization of these processes. However, with prolonged stress (the stage of exhaustion) the degree of endotoxicosis is increasing significantly, indicating a decrease in reserve functions of the body.

In animals with hypothyroidism, there is a gradual increase in endotoxicosis at all stages of the development of stress reaction with a maximum at the exhaustion stage.

Conclusions. In the setting of hypothyroidism, more intense than in euthyroid animals increase in the degree of endotoxicosis at all stages of the development of stress reaction was observed.


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How to Cite

Liubovych, O. Y., & Klishch, I. M. (2019). THE STATE OF ENDOGENOUS INTOXICATION IN THE DYNAMICS OF IMMOBILIZATIONAL STRESS ON THE BACKGROUND OF HYPOTHYROIDISM. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 106–111.



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