
  • O. Ye. Kovalenko P. Shupyk National Medical University of Postgraduate Education State Scientific Institution "Scientific and Practical Center for Preventive and Clinical Medicine" of the State Administration
  • N. G. Prityko Branch No. 1. Communal non-commercial enterprise "Consultative-diagnostic Center" of Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv



cerebrovascular pathology, chronic cerebral venous dysfunction syndrome (CCVD), gender features, patient's age; blood pressure


Today, the problem of treatment and verification of a diagnosis in patients with chronic venous cerebral dysfunction syndrome is one of the important issues of receiving a neurologist.

The aim of the study – to determine the proportion of patients with chronic cerebral venous dysfunction (CCVD) within the neurological outpatient admission of the neurologist and identify the main risk factors for the pathology, depending on gender and age.

Material and Methods. General Clinical and Clinical and Neurological Survey of Outpatient Patients Receiving the Neurologist of a City Polyclinic for a year, the allocation of a group of patients (95 patients aged 30 to 65 years) with clinical signs of CCVD with a history of anamnesis and the identification of probable modified and unmodified risk factors pathology. The patients were divided into 3 age groups: 30–44, 45–60, 60–65 and 2 gender groups.

Results. Estimation of the number and nature of appeals in the reception of a polyclinic neurologist for 2018 showed that of the total number of cases of cerebrovascular disease, a little more than half are patients with CCVD, or almost one third of all patients (33.8 %). The most significant causes with which the overall contingent of patients associated with the appearance of CCVD was static overload, somewhat less (only 2 %) – physical overload, almost equal in proportion – cranial trauma, stress and heredity in the maternal line, followed by almost equal factors were inheritance for the father's line and climax. There are some significant gender differences regarding the factors with which the patients associate the appearance of the CCVD. Static overload for men is 2.6 times less significant than physical activity, whereas in women it is 1.5 times more often, and it is indicated as the main cause of the pathology. In men, heredity in maternal and parental lines did not differ significantly (p>0.05), whereas in women the line of mother tended to a definitive advantage (p=0.1). Different age periods of patients had their own peculiarities with regard to the appearance of modified and unmodified FR: physical activity was prevalent in the age of 45–59 years, static loading and TBI – from 30 to 59 years, during the same age period, a negative heredity was realized. In each age group, the difference between women and men was significant (p<0.05) in relation to exercise – 18–29 years; static load – in 45–59; TBI – at 60+; stress – in the 30–44 years. The trend of p<0.1 was related to the "climax" factor in the period of 45–59 years. It is promising to take into account modified risk factors in the development of preventive measures for the CCVD.


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How to Cite

Kovalenko, O. Y., & Prityko, N. G. (2019). CHRONIC CEREBRAL VENOUS DYSFUNCTION: PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 74–79.



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