
  • K. D. Gaponov Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education




alcohol dependence, psychosocial stress, addictive status, affective disorders, depression, anxiety


Introduction. 4.2 % of Ukrainians have alcohol-related problems, which is significantly higher than in most developed European countries. This is due to a significant increase in the long-term stress load, which the population of Ukraine has now, which generates an increase in the level of alcohol consumption.

The aim of the study – to learn the peculiarities of severity and manifestations of addictive and affective states associated with alcohol-related disorders in patients with different levels of psychosocial stress.

Material and Methods. The study was carried out on the basis of the Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise of Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Narcological Dispensary” during the period from 2014 to 2018, where upon condition of informed consent, being committed to the principle of bio-ethics and deontology, 312 men with alcohol dependence were examined: 107 combatants who had the experience of engaging in military actions on the East of Ukraine as partici­pants in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and Operation of the Joint Forces; 89 forcibly displaced persons from temporarily occupied districts of Donetsk and Luhansk region; and 116 residents of the city of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region who were not combatants or forcibly displaced persons. The study included the use of clinical, clinical-psychopathological, psychodiagnostic and statistical methods.

Results. It is established that the severity and clinical variability of alcohol-related disorders are associated with the severity of psychosocial stress experienced by the patients: with an increase in the maladaptive stress load, there is a decline of the clinical symptoms of alcohol dependence.

The addictive status of patients with alcohol dependence demonstrates the tension of a number of addictive objects of chemical and non-chemical origin, the severity of which is directly or inversely associated with the severity of alcohol dependence and psychosocial stress. Among objects of chemical origin (except for alcohol), the direct correlation is established for tobacco, psychostimulants and coffee / tea, and among objects of non-chemical origin – for computer games, and feedback – for such non-chemical objects of addiction as sport and sex. The severity of tobacco smoking (r= .760) and the propensity to excessive seizure of computer games (rS = 0.703) is most closely related to the severity of alcohol dependence and psychosocial stress, as well as the addictive tension for other addictive objects.

The severity of affective phenomena in patients with alcohol dependence also turned out to be congruent to the dyna­­mics of the severity of psychosocial stress: with an increase in the level of psychosocial stress, an increase in the severity of depressive and anxiety manifestations was observed. The most severe direct correlation was established between the severity of alcohol dependence and psychosocial stress, and psychological anxiety (rS = 0.844) as a compo­nent of the clinical image of affective disorders, which are characteristic for the surveyed, although the tightness of corre­lations with severity as manifestations of pathological anxiety and depression was at a high level in both cases (rS = 0.779 and rS = 0.731, respectively).

Conclusions. The prospect of further research is the creation of a system of target-personified treatment and reha­bilitation and preventive measures, differentiated depending on the level of pathological stress experienced by the patients, and its introduction into the existing integrated system of providing specialized medical care to patients with alcohol dependence.


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How to Cite

Gaponov, K. D. (2019). FEATURES OF ADDICTIVE AND AFFECTIVE STATES ASSOCIATED WITH DISORDERS RELATED TO ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION, IN PATIENTS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF PSYCHOSOCIAL STRESS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 40–52. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2019.v0.i1.10046



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