
  • E. J. Arkhij Uzhhorod National University
  • L. B. Prilipko Uzhhorod National University
  • B. M. Halay Uzhhorod National University




chronic pancreatitis, hypertonic disease, imbalance of microelements


Equilibrium in the system of microelements is an important element of the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Of course, the presence of certain pathological changes contributes to the emergence or progression of disorders in this well-established system. Chronic pancreatitis (CP) and hypertonic disease (HD) are not exception.

The aim of the study – to determine the changes in the microelement composition of blood of patients with CP in conjunction with HD.

Material and Methods. To achieve this goal, we examined 102 patients with CP and HD (main group) and 23 practically healthy patients (control group). In addition to the general clinical trial, the concentration of natrium, calcium, kalium, chlorine, selenium and zincum in blood plasma was determined and the exocrine function of the pancreas (P) was measured for fecal elastase-1 (FE-1) levels.

Results. The patients of the main group had decreased calcium concentration to (2.16±0.26) mmol/l against (2.47±0.18) mmol/l in the group of practically healthy persons, p<0.01), selenium – up to (63.68±18.47) mcg/l, as opposed to (88.16±15.71) mcg/l in group II (p=0.61) zincum – up to (741.05±202.47) mcg/l versus (956.24±172.31) mcg/l in the examined control group (p=0.20). The levels of other microelements studied by us did not go beyond the reference values. In the study of functional capacity, external-secretion insufficiency of the pancreas at the border of the lung and moderate degree was diagnosed ((157.82±17.28) mcg/g faeces).

Conclusions. Diagnosed changes in the composition of microelements require correction in order to achieve homeostasis in the body and prevent the progression and development of complications of CP and HD.


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How to Cite

Arkhij, E. J., Prilipko, L. B., & Halay, B. M. (2019). DISORDERS OF THE SYSTEM OF MICROELEMENTS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC PANCREATITIS IN COMBINATION WITH HYPERTENSION. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 28–33. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2019.v0.i1.10044



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