Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.Author Guidelines
The magazine is published four times a year!
Possible printing of Ukrainian, Russian and English.
1. The journal «Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine» highlights the related literature and lectures (in the section «Literature review»), new not published scientific results obtained in clinical or experimental medicine (in section «Original research»), expresses original views on the issue, submits brief reports, clinical notes (in section «Approach to the problem»). In the category «Events, chronicle, data» we print information about interesting, in the author's view, scientific phenomena, materials of scientific conferences, information about outstanding scientists and their achievements, present articles dedicated to the memory of physicians.
2. The article should have a recommendation for publication signed by the head of the institution and expert conclusion about the possibility of open publication, stamped. Under the text of the article it is required signatures of the authors and information about them: place of work, position, academic degree, academic title, full name, indicating the business address, phone number, Fax number and e-mail of each author.
3. The size of the original article, including tables, figures, references, and summary has not to exceed 8 pages, size of a problem article, reviews literature, lectures – up to 12 pages, short messages, reviews – up to 5 pages, notes from practice – 3 pages.
4. The article should be printed in Ukrainian, Russian or English on one side of a sheet of A4 1800-2000 with placing characters on the page (fields: top and bottom –2.5 cm, left –3 cm, right – 1.5 cm, Times New Roman14 pt fontand a 1.5 interval). You'll need to send 2 printed copies of the article with the seals and accompanying documents to the postal address of the editorial office of the journal. The electronic version of articles must be recorded in the system OJS on the magazine's website (
Figures have to be prepared in the formats JPG, TIF, sending printed in duplicate as well as a separate graphic file. When scanning you should provide 300 dpi image resolution. The priority is to send the original illustrations. On the back of each illustration you have to indicate its number, names of authors and marks «Top», «Bottom». In the signatures you have to indicate an increase micrographs and method of painting material. Photos have to be high contrast, figures – clear. Table headings have to be short headings and own numbering. Representation the same material in the form of tables and figures is not allowed.
Charts, graphs have to create Mishosoft ExceI. Small illustrations volume can be placed along the text.
For formulas you have to use formula editor Microsoft Equation.
5. Articles should be written in compliance with the basic requirements of government standard 3008-95 «Documentation. Reports in science and technology. The structure and design rules» according to this scheme:
Universal Decimal Classification
TITLE (in capital letters)
initials and surnames (in three languages)
full name of the institution (in three languages)
Summary in Ukrainian, Russian, English (250–300 words each) should be structured to include title, full names of authors, the name of the institution, introduction, aim, materials and methods, research results and conclusions.
Key words in Ukrainian, Russian, English languages (up to 8 words).
Introduction. (Problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks, analysis of recent published studies in that a solution of the problem unsolved aspects of the problem, that is devoted to the designated work).
The aim of the study.
Material and methods. (Presentation of object of the study and methods, the description of which should be sufficient to understand their feasibility and possibility of reproduction. In the case of experimental studies one should indicate species, sex, number of animals, methods of anesthesia during manipulations associated with the task pain to animals, method of euthanasia. Is mandatory to specify methods of statistical analysis with justification of choice of criteria of reliability of estimates).
Results and discussion. (The basic facts are taught, the full justification of scientific results, the express their own opinions on the results,the compare of the interpretation of similar data presented by other authors are conducted)
Prospects for further research. (The author's vision of promising further ways to solve the problems highlighted in the work is served)
List of references (printed in the order of mentioning of sources in square brackets) will be provided in APA Style (developed a «Manual of the American Psychological Association», 6th ed. (Washington, DC: APA, 2010)). Watch online link:;
6. All physical quantities and their units, digital data of clinical and laboratory research must be submitted according to the International system of units (SI) in accordance with the requirements of standards DSTU 3651-97 «Physical Units». The names of companies, reagents and drugs to bring in the original transcription.
In the common text and common terms should submit an acronym (the first time, be sure to decipher).
7. Ethical issues. The papers to be published may not disclose patients’ personal data unless they have given their informed consent in writing (if so, the informed consent shall be attached to the manuscript). Papers on research based on human subjects and entailing some risk should clearly indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (see World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. JAMA 2000; 284(23): 3043–3045) and were accepted by a competent ethical committee. Also, publications on experiments on animal subjects must have a statement that the research was approved by such a committee. Information on this approval should be provided in the “Material and methods” section of the manuscript.
8. The text of the article in reference to the publication has to indicate the number from the list of literature in square brackets.
9. The editorial staff corrects terminological and stylistic errors, removes unnecessary illustrations, if necessary shortens the text.
10. The articles prepared without observance of these rules is sent to the author for revision. The priority right print lend publications to the subscribers and materials ordered by the editors.
11. Attention to authors! The authors are solely responsible for the content of the article, the conformity to the specified requirements, the correct statistical treatment of the data. All articles will be checked for plagiarism with specialized software.
12. The editorial Board is not responsible for republication of the article fully or partly in other publications inUkraineor abroad without prior consent.
13. Attention to authors! Articles published in our magazine, assigned DOI (Digital object identifier) – universal digital object identifier system Citations CrossRef. Members of CrossRef are the 5 th. publishers around the world. Its citation database covering more than 75 million journal articles and other types of publications. The presence of the article DOI identifier enables a quick search of the Internet (to quote), without the need for a long search on the websites of magazines. Assigning a DOI scientific articles can increase the citation index and ranking of its authors. Availability Index DOI in every article and every issue including the publication promotes international scientometric databases.
14. Publication of articles is on a paid basis. Cost is calculated on the number of characters after sending the article to the editor, the assignment of a DOI index at extra cost. The exact amount of payment and Bank details will be sent after reviewing the work.
15. The payment receipt must be send to the editorial address:
The editorial Board of the journal «Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine», published by I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Maidan Voli, 1, 46001, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Contact phone of edititors (0352) – 43-49-56.
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