Author Guidelines


Authors' full names in Ukrainian (authorship of articles published in the journal should be based on the ICMJE recommendations regarding the role of authors and contributors).
Affiliation in Ukrainian (the institution from which the work originates should be listed, with affiliation numbers corresponding to the author's position, including the following in this order: department, institution, city, country).
ORCID-ID and SCOPUS-ID for each author.
TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (in uppercase letters without abbreviations).
Structured abstract in Ukrainian (250–300 words), divided into subsections: objective, materials and methods, results, and conclusions.
Keywords in Ukrainian (up to 8 words), avoiding repetition of words from the manuscript title. Using terms from the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) database is recommended.

Additionally, the article title, authors, affiliations, all structural elements of the abstract, and keywords must also be provided in English.

Introduction (Problem statement, its connection to significant scientific or practical tasks, analysis of recent studies addressing the problem, highlighting unresolved parts of the overall issue covered by the work).

Objective of the study

Materials and methods (Description of the research object and methods, with sufficient details for understanding their relevance and reproducibility. For experimental research, include species, sex, and the number of animals, anesthesia methods for painful manipulations, and euthanasia methods. Statistical analysis methods and the justification of the chosen reliability criteria must also be indicated).

Results (Presentation of the main research material with full substantiation of the obtained scientific results. Results shown in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text extensively. Each table and figure must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the manuscript. Figures may be in color and should be submitted in high resolution (150 dpi) in TIFF or JPEG format).

Discussion (This section should analyze the authors' findings and compare them with results from other studies on the same topic. Attention should be given to the statistical reliability of the results, possible research errors, unresolved questions/problems, and prospects for future research).

Conclusions (Include a concise and clear summary of the study).

Funding sources (Specify the funding source, such as grants, government budget funds, or external funding sources).

Authors' contributions (For example):

  • Development of the idea and study design.
  • Literature review and manuscript writing.
  • Study concept formation.
  • Data analysis and discussion of results.

Conflict of interest (Any interests or relationships that could affect the objectivity of the author must be disclosed. All conflicts directly related to the presented work should be reported. A conflict of interest does not prevent publication. If there are no conflicts of interest, authors must declare it by including the statement: "No conflict of interest").

References must follow the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015, Bibliographic references. General rules and formatting requirements.

References in English must also be provided, formatted in the Vancouver style.