
  • O. S. Voloshyn V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University
  • Н. B. Humeniuk V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University



somatic health, Rufye index, Robinson index, anthropometry, external respiration, adolescence


The research of somatic health of juvenile persons remains an actual direction in physiology. The functional state of the organism and the level of physical development require analysis in connection with the pronounced dynamics of changes in the conditions of existence: information overload, intense rhythm of life, limitation of physical activity leads to the development of changes in the life of a modern person.

The aim of the study – to learn the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system, indicators of the effectiveness of external respiration, a number of physical development criteria for assessing the level of somatic health of people with different cardiac performance.

Materials and Methods. We studied the indicators of the Robinson index at rest and under conditions of physical exertion, the coefficient of profitability of blood circulation, the Cerdo index, determined the weight, height, body mass index, Broca index, analyzed the effectiveness of external respiration function.

Results and Discussion. In individuals with a good level of Rufye test, the Robinson index was (81.57±1.65), and in those surveyed with a satisfactory level – (87.87±0.95) (p<0.05). This demonstrates a decrease in the level of somatic health in those examined with a low level of functional reserves of the heart. The value of the coefficient of efficiency of blood circulation characterizes the high potential of the hemocirculatory system and the reduction of energy consumption during the passage of blood in individuals with a good level of the Rufye index: (2589.0±275.82). We observed a higher level of efficacy of the function of external respiration both in conditions of rest and in the recovery period after exercise in the patients with a good level of the Rufye index.

Conclusions. The study showed a decrease in aerobic capacity and the level of somatic health in the individuals with a satisfactory level of cardiac performance compared with other groups. The best values of the Robinson index were observed in the group with a good level of cardiac performance. The high potential of the hemocirculatory system and the reduction of energy consumption during the passage of blood is observed in individuals with good and average levels of Rufye index.


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