
  • O. B. Lys Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • M. S. Regeda Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University



endogenous intoxication, immobilization stress, acute adrenal damage of myocardium


Endogenous intoxication (EI) – polietiologic and polypathogenetic syndrome, characterized by accumulation in endogenous toxic substances in tissues and biological fluids – is an excess of products of normal or pathological metabolism. Erythrocyte index of intoxication (EII) and middle mass molecules (MMMs) are another important marker of endogenous intoxication.

The aim of the study – to find out the state of endogenous intoxication by the level of medium molecules and the erythrocyte index of intoxication in the blood of rats in the dynamics of the development of the comorbidity of immobilization stress and adrenal damage to the myocardium.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were carried out on white male rats of Wistar line weighing 180–200 g, which were divided into 4 groups of 10 animals (one control and three tested). Immobilization stress was modeled on the 1st, 3rd, 5th day, parallel to the model of epinephrine myocardial damage with the intramuscular administration of adrenaline. At the same time, MSM254 and MSM280 and EII were determined in the blood.

Results and Discussion. Under the conditions of the development of combined pathology, an increase in the content of MSM254 from 1.9 to 1.3 times and MSM280 from 1.6 to 1 time, respectively, was observed for the most in the 1st day and the least in the 5th day of the experiment compared with the intact group. The second indicator of endogenous intoxication, EII in the blood, also increased most in the first day of the experiment in the experiment with 131.56 % in the IC and APM in intact group. This indicator for the 3rd day increased by 105.57 % (p <0.05), against control, and at the 5th day there was an increase in EII higher by 99.95 % (p <0.05) compared with the intact group.

Conclusions. The conducted studies of indicators of endogenous intoxication in animals of different groups proved that at all stages of their formation there is a consistent excessive formation of products of endogenous intoxication, especially on the first day of the experiment with a gradual decrease in endogenous intoxication for 5 days, but above the control group indicating on the development of endogenous intoxication, which enhances hypoxic processes in the myocardium, due to changes in the rheological properties of the blood.


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