
  • M. O. Vatsyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • I. Ye. Herasymiuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



general dehydration, lungs, alveoli, bronchi, epithelium of the mucous membrane


The problem of the effect of general dehydration on the organism today is becoming increasingly relevant in medical science. Due to significant changes in the socio-economic, ecological conditions of people living on the planet, frequent cataclysms, and an increase in the temperature of the environment, there is a shortage of potable water. Especially it becomes noticeable at high physical activity.

The aim of the study – to identify the structural changes in the lungs of rats with a general dehydration of varying degrees of gravity and give them a quantitative characteristic.

Materials and Methods. Experiments were carried out on 30 white laboratory mature male rats with body weight of 160–180 g and age 2.5–3 months. Among them, 6 animals were in a control group; another 24 rats of general dehydration were modeled by feeding dry oats without access to water for 3, 6 and 10 days (total dehydration of the lungs, medium and severe degrees, respectively). The research was carried out using histological, morphometric and statistical techniques.

Results and Discussion. The results of the study show that a total dehydration in the lung parenchyma and their bloodstream gradually developing certain morphological changes, the nature and intensity of which depends on the duration of dehydration, and hence its degree. Due to limitations of water for one day, there are no significant changes in the lungs, although even in such a period of observation, signs of increased blood supply and ventilation function of the lungs can be observed. However, starting from the third day and until the end of the experiment in the 10-day period, in the process of gradual dehydration of the body there is loss of body mass, which is accompanied by a gradual thawing of interalveolar partitions, a decrease in the thickness of multi-row blinking epithelium of the mucous membrane of the bronchi with simultaneous decrease in diameter and area of ​​the transverse section of the lumen alveoli, which ultimately leads to the formation of lesions and alternating of areas of emphysema with the areas of dystelectasis, and – the disturbance of the lung ventilation function.

Conclusions. Morphological changes in the lungs with total dehydration (reduction in the mass of the lungs, the thickness of interalveolar partitions, the thickness of multi-row blinking epithelium of the bronchi, diameter and area of the alveoli) may form the basis of violation of their respiratory function.


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How to Cite

Vatsyk, M. O., & Herasymiuk, I. Y. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF GENERAL DEHYDRATATION ON STRUCTURAL REORGANIZATION OF LUNGS IN RATS. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (1), 116–120.

