
  • P. P. Flis O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
  • V. V. Filonenko O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
  • A. O. Melnyk O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
  • Y. P. Nemyrovych O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
  • A. P. Lopoha National Children’s Specialized Hospital “OKHMATDYT” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine



speech disorders, articulation, device for elimination and prevention of unhealthy tongue habits


Currently, there is a tendency in Ukraine to increase the number of children with speech disorders. One of the most common disorders of speech function is dyslalia. Speech therapists are the main form of correctional training, children are assigned certain and consistent stages of speech therapy. Along with that, various individual and standard devices are used.

The aim of the study – to conduct logopedic correction of speech disorders in patients with physiologic occlusion using the in-house designed device according to the proposed algorithm.

Materials and Methods. A survey was conducted on 73 children (24 – aged 3 to 6 years, 49 – from 6 to 12 years old) without significant orthodontic pathology in the presence of speech impairment with normal hearing and intelligence and speech correction. In addition to logopedic exercises, it was recommended to use vestibular plates Dr. Hinz - MUPPY-P with beads, removable orthodontic devices with beads, Bluegrass appliances, devices for elimination and prevention of unhealthy tongue habits. In order to identify early risk factors for major dental diseases, the hygienic state of the cavity of the mouth, the intensity of caries, the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the tissues of periodontal disease were determined.

Results and Discussion. The first step in the algorithm for successful correction of speech disorders were to explain its necessity. The second stage involved the phonetic diagnosis of all aspects of speech, logic, intelligence, memory and thinking. Polymorphic dyslalia was diagnosed in all subjects of reporting panel. The third stage of the algorithm is to carry out work to overcome the abnormalities of the phonetic side of speech was a direct speech correction. The proposed device for elimination and prevention of unhealthy tongue habits was used in 6 cases.

Conclusions. After the speech therapy correction correct articulation and sound were formed. The proposed device for the elimination and prevention unhealthy tongue habits should be used in conjunction with speech therapy, in particular, dyslalia. In addition to the positive logopedic effect of the proposed therapeutic and prophylactic measures, we have also received improvement of the hygienic state of the oral cavity, the absence of an increase in the intensity of the caries of permanent teeth and increased motivation in patients.



How to Cite

Flis, P. P., Filonenko, V. V., Melnyk, A. O., Nemyrovych, Y. P., & Lopoha, A. P. (2019). ALGORITHM FOR SPEECH DISORDERS CORRECTION USING PROPRIETARY CONSTRUCTION DEVICE. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (4), 145–151.

