
  • N. O. Hevkalyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



generalized periodontitis, general treatment, resveratrol, Resverazin.


Periodontal disease is one of the most common lesions of the human body today. According to WHO (1990), from 55 to 98 % of the adult population of the planet has a pathology of periodontal disease, the highest incidence rate was recorded in individuals 15–19 year-old (55–89 %) and 35–44 years (65–98 %) [1, 3, 6]. High prevalence, unfavorable effects of periodontal infection centers on the oral cavity and organism in general, high level of complications associated with functional and morphological disorders due to loss of teeth – all this determines the relevance of this problem.

The aim of the study – to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the drug "Resverazin" in the complex treatment of generalized periodontitis.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 43 patients with chronic generalized periodontal disease. The assessment of the periodontal condition was conducted according to clinical signs. To assess the hygienic state of the cavity, the indices Green-Wermillion, ON I-S, Silness-Loe were used. Stallard, periodontal indexes: PMA, PI, Bush index by Muhlleman. Definition and counting of indices was carried out according to generally accepted methods. Patients in the main group in complex therapy were prescribed "Resverazin" for 1 capsule 2 times a day. The course of treatment was 2 months.

Results and Discussion. The data obtained from our clinical studies served as the basis for introducing into the medical dentistry practice of generalized periodontitis (GP) phytopreparation "Resverazin". Inclusion in the complex therapy of patients with periodontitis of the drug "Resverazin" contributed to increase the effectiveness of the conducted etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment of patients, which provided clinically expressed signs of stabilization periodontitis and a faster transition of the GP in the stage of remission. Positive clinical outcome is based on the main criteria of effectiveness, which consisted in reducing the symptoms of inflammation – hyperemia, edema and hemopoiesis of the interdental papilla and marginal part of the gums. The tendency to reduce the signs of inflammation by clinical, subjective data, was confirmed by the positive dynamics of the prevalence rate of periodontal tissue inflammation (PTI). The decrease in the value of the integrative periodontal index is mainly due to the reduction in the severity of symptomatic gingivitis and the depth of the periodontal pockets. As a result of the treatment, the normalization of functional adaptive-compensatory responses occurs, which is confirmed by the normalization of indicators – the Green-Wermillion hygienic indices, the ON I-S, Silness-Loe, Stallard indexes and periodontal indexes: papillary-marginal alveolar (PMA ), bile density index by Muhlleman, periodontal index (PI).

Conclusions. The results of the clinical trial indicate the need for phytopreparations, in particular herbal remedy "Resveratrol", with anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, immunotropic, antioxidant action in the complex treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis.

Author Biography

N. O. Hevkalyuk, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



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