
  • Sh. A. Boymuradov Ташкентская медицинская академия. Ташкент. Узбекистан
  • Sh. Sh. Yusupov Ташкентская медицинская академия. Ташкент. Узбекистан




orbital floor, zygomatic-orbital complex, MS CT, MR I, 3D reconstruction, 3D computed tomography.


Analysis of literature data shows that the information on the choice of diagnostic methods and complex treatment of patients with fractures of the orbit floor is rather fragmentary and not systematized. Reconstruction of the eye socket is a very difficult problem, which has not been completely solved to the present. The aim of the study was a systematic analysis of literature data on the problem of diagnosis and treatment of patients with orbital fractures. The main goal of treatment of patients with trauma of the lower orbital wall is early detection of pathology, provision of specialized care based on the development of a treatment plan, prevention of posttraumatic deformities, enophthalmia and binocular diplopia. The leading method of treatment is reconstructive interventions. In time, unrecognized lesions of the lower orbital wall, unsatisfactory results of therapy bring not only aesthetic discomfort to the victims, but also expressed functional disorders that restrict patients in choosing a profession and hinder their socialization. The article analyzes odern approaches, criteria, instrumental methods of diagnosis, algorithms for examination and treatment of such patients.

Author Biography

Sh. A. Boymuradov, Ташкентская медицинская академия. Ташкент. Узбекистан



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How to Cite

Boymuradov, S. A., & Yusupov, S. S. (2017). DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT OF THE ORBITAL FLOOR FRACTURE. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (3). https://doi.org/10.11603/2415-8798.2017.3.8090

