
  • O. P. Sokrut Donetsk National Medical University




rheumatoidarthritis, vegetativepassport, anxietyanddepressionand panic-phobicsomatogenies, calcium-deficient and calcium dependent comorbidity, magnetotherapy.


There was studying the effectiveness of magnetotherapy (MT) in various forms of autonomic dysfunction on 173 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Vegetative tone was evaluated by the results of the questionnaire and performance of spectral analysis of heart rate. Vegetative passport was established by the methods, such as special tables testing, clinical and radiological data. A close correlation form of autonomic dysfunction with the type of comorbidity and somatogenically was revealed. Vagotonic calcium-deficient comorbidity was characterized by low vago-sympathetic balance index, seropositive variation for rheumatoid factor and was combined with anxiety and depression state, concomitant osteoporosis and volume-dependent hypertension. Sympathotonic calcium-dependent comorbidity was correlated with increased vago-sympathetic balance index, seronegative RA form, maniacal-panic-phobic reactions, calcification of ligaments and sympathetic-adrenal hypertension. There was offered vegetative-articular MT technique for RA with the impact on the neck and hands. It was shown the efficiency of a constant magnetic field in the vagotonics and an alternating magnetic field at sympathotonics in RA. During combined procedure, significant improvement was achieved in 21% of cases.


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How to Cite

Sokrut, O. P. (2016). DIFFERENTIATED MAGNETOTHERAPY IN VARIOUS FORMS OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (3). https://doi.org/10.11603/2415-8798.2016.3.6997

