
  • V. O. Sitnikova Оdessa National Medical University
  • О. M. Nadvorna Оdessa National Medical University
  • О. V. Kashiyan Оdessa National Medical University



preterm labor, placenta dysfunction, IUGR


Preterm labor is one of the most current problems of modern medicine. Preterm labor is defined as the birth of a child in the gestation period less than 37 full weeks of gestation and is the second most common cause (after congenital anomalies) of neonatal mortality [3]. The highest percentage of morbidity and mortality occurs in children born to gestational age less than 32 weeks, although the proportion of these newborns is 16 % of all preterm infants [4]. Preterm labor is a polyetiology problem that depends on many factors. One of the major problems is the formation of placental dysfunction, which manifests itself by morphofunctional changes in the placenta associated with violation of uterine-placental circulation.

The aim of the study – to obtain the peculiarities of placentas’ histological condition in women with burdent anamnesis and preterm labor with different Apgar point scale of newborn.

Materials and Methods. A total of 19 placentas of women with preterm labor were observed in Maternal Hospital No. 5 of Odesa, Ukraine. We studed their residence areas, obstetrical and gynacology anamnesis, current pregnancy and labor anamnesis. We exa­mined the ultrasound datas of the newborns, studied their anthropometric, Apgar scale and histology of placentas’ datas. All interviewed women were devided into two groups: less than 35 years old – 12 women of the group 1 and more than 35 years old – 7 women, it was the group 2. The average age of the examined groups was 31.3 years old. Statistical datas processing was carried out by using the Fisher angular transformation. The degree of probability (P) between two comparative values was considered to be statistically valid when P<0.05.

The research results showed that all elder women were married, lived in ecoregions of the city, had more often revolved to artificial reproductive technologies, had singleton gestation compared to younger group of patients. Newborns of women afer 35 had better points of Apgar scale and no one had IUGR compared to newborns of the younger women. Signs of placenta dysfynction were detected in placentas of both groups of women.

Conclusions. In our investigation the women of different age groups with preterm labor had signs of placenta dysfunction but women after 35 years had better datas of newborn babies according to Apgar scale and absence of IUGR. Probably, it is connected with residency, official marriage and better preconceptional preparation in this group.

Author Biographies

V. O. Sitnikova, Оdessa National Medical University

Ситнікова Варвара Олександрівна, д.мед.н., професор, завідувачка кафедрою патологічної анатомії ОНМедУ

О. M. Nadvorna, Оdessa National Medical University

Надворна Ольга Миколаївна, к.мед.н, доцент кафедри акушерства і гінекології №2 ОНМедУ

О. V. Kashiyan, Оdessa National Medical University

Кашиян Олександра Вікторівна, лікар-інтерн, ассистент кафедри патологічної анатомії ОНМедУ


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How to Cite

Sitnikova, V. O., Nadvorna О. M., & Kashiyan О. V. (2019). MORPHOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF PLACENTA IN WOMEN WITH PRETERM LABOR. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (2), 58–61.

