
  • N. I. Sheiko SHEI «Uzhhorod national university»



heart rate variability, orthostatic test, autonomic nervous system


Determination of heart rate variability is considered affordable, non-invasive, relatively simple and relatively inexpensive for autonomic nervous system evaluation today. Most researchers consider it as an integral marker that reflects the state of all regulatory systems of the body. Changes in the vegetative balance in the form of activation of the sympathetic link are considered as a non-specific component of the adaptive reaction in response to various stress actions. In recent years, the number of people with reduced adaptive capabilities of the organism has increased – with the disadaptation of the regulation of functional systems, which leads to the disruption of the corresponding mechanisms.

The aim of the study – to evaluate the status of the autonomic nervous system in female foreign-born junior students of medical faculty.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 20 female non-native female students of the 2–3rd year of the medical faculty at the age of 18–22 years. Registration of the heart rate variability was carried out in conditions of physiological rest, after a 10-minute rest, and in conditions of active orthostatic test according to the well-known method with the help of the computer diagnostic complex "CardioLab" ("KhAI-Medika", Ukraine).

Results and Discussion. The results of the analysis of heart rate variability in a state of physiological rest indicate that the students are characterized by the values ​​of cardiac rhythm variability for healthy individuals, and in response to orthostatic test, the probable increase in the activity of the sympathetic link of the autonomic nervous system LF is (261±187) ms, LF % to (12.6±0.6) % (p <0.05) and decreased parisympathetic effects: RMSSD by (9.4±12.7) ms, pNN50 % by (21.1±5.1) %, HF by (481±83) ms (p <0.01), and HF % by (14.2±2) % (p <0.05) on the cardiac rhythm. The sympathic-vagal balance indicator has increased by (3.04±2.5).

Conclusions. The functional status of the autonomic nervous system in young female students of foreign countries is characterized by a balanced activity of all its units. The use of orthostatic test in the study of heart rate variability allows better analysis of the state of vegetative tone and to detect hidden disorders of autonomic nervous system functions.


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How to Cite

Sheiko, N. I. (2019). FUNCTIONAL STATE OF AUTONOMOUS NERVOUS SYSTEM IN YOUNG WOMEN. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (2), 34–37.

