
  • Z. M. Nebesna I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • V. G. Korytskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University




thyroid gland, microscopic and submicroscopic changes, septicotoxemia, thermal trauma


Thermal injuries are one of the most common types of injuries. The increase in the number of victims of burns in mass lesions, the increasing proportion of their weight in the general structure of injuries, high rates of mortality and disability, long and expensive treatment determine the burn injury as one of the most actual problem of modern medicine. Thermal trauma causes serious structural and metabolic changes not only directly to the skin, but also to all organs and systems of the affected organism, which is a manifestation of a symptom complex – burn disease. In the pathogenesis of burn disease, an important value belongs to the thyroid gland.

The aim of the study – to determine a structural reorganization of the thyroid gland components in the stage of late toxemia after an experimental thermal trauma.

Materials and Methods. Third degree burns were applied under ketamine anesthesia with copper plates heated in boiling water to a temperature of 97–1000 C. The size of the lesion was 18–20 % of the rats’ body epilated surface. Study of the structural components of the thyroid gland after burn injury was performed on laboratory white male rats, weighing 160–180 g. Euthanasia of rats was performed after ketamine anesthesia, by decapitation.

Results and Discussion. In the experiment, the microscopic and submicroscopic changes of the follicles and vessels of the thyroid gland after thermal trauma of the third degree were investigated. It was established that on 21 day after burn (stage of septicotoxemia), in endocrine cells – thyrocytes of follicles and vessels, there are significant degenerative, dystrophic and sclerotic changes. In this period, after a thermal trauma, deep irreversible destructive changes of tyrocytes in the composition of thyroid gland follicles and vessels were developed.

Conclusions. The histological studies of the thyroid gland structural components are manifested by deep damage to the plasma, nuclear and intracellular membranes, which leads to decrease in secretion and excretion of hormones, changes in transendothelial metabolism and corresponds to the hypofunctional state of the organ.


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How to Cite

Nebesna, Z. M., & Korytskyi, V. G. (2019). HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THYROID GLAND STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS IN A STAGE OF SEPTICOTOXEMIA AFTER EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL INJURY. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (1), 140–144. https://doi.org/10.11603/2415-8798.2019.1.10014

