
  • L. M. Pazynych PE “Ukrainian Іnstitute of Strategic Researches МНС of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • O. R. Sytenko PE “Ukrainian Іnstitute of Strategic Researches МНС of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • T. M. Smirnova PE “Ukrainian Іnstitute of Strategic Researches МНС of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine



emergency situations, vital activity of mankind, legislation, civil protection of the population.


Purpose of the work is to take up some questions of emergency situations of technogenic and natural character on the basis of references studying.

Materials and methods. Bibliosemantic and analytical methods are applied.

Results. Significant anthropogenic and technogenic loading of the territory of Ukraine, increasing the risks of emergency situations of natural and technogenic character, lack of generally accepted views on the target, functional, organizational and other mechanisms of state administration in the field of medical protection in the conditions of the ES of natural and technogenic character, all this causes need of scientifically and theoretical substantiation and development of the Program for their overcoming and prevention.

Conclusions. Ensuring sustainable social and economic development of Ukraine should be accompanied by formation safe environment for society and each person, based on the principles of international law, and was coordinated by the Program of health care response to emergency situations.


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How to Cite

Pazynych, L. M., Sytenko, O. R., & Smirnova, T. M. (2018). SOME QUESTIONS OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS OF TECHNOGENIC AND NATURAL CHARACTER IN UKRAINE (LITERATURE REVIEW). Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1).



The review of the scientific literature