
  • L. I. Zakrutko Ukrainian Center for Scientific Medical Information and Patent and Licensing of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • L. G. Bilan Ukrainian Center for Scientific Medical Information and Patent and Licensing of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • L. V. Ilnitskaya Ukrainian Center for Scientific Medical Information and Patent and Licensing of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • L. M. Novgorodskaya Ukrainian Center for Scientific Medical Information and Patent and Licensing of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • O. V. Myslytskyi Ukrainian Center for Scientific Medical Information and Patent and Licensing of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



monitoring, health protection, innovation providing.


Purpose: to monitor of the main means of innovation support in the field of health protection of Ukraine in 2017.

Materials and Methods. The main means of innovative support in the field of health protection of Ukraine, developed in 2017, have been analyzed. The methods of expert evaluation, statistical, systemic, structural-logical and cluster analysis are applied.

Results. A retrospective analysis of the main means of innovative support in the field of health care in Ukraine in 2017 showed that during this period the methodological recommendations and informational letters were the most developed by the institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine – 83.74 % and 80.95 % respectively. Institutions-developers paid the greatest attention to the problems “Pharmacology. Pharmacy. Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy. Organization and Management of Pharmacy” and “Dentistry”. During the mentioned period, the scientists had the smallest number of methodological recommendations, as well as information letters on medical directions “Medical genetics”, “Trial medicine” and “Urology”.

Conclusions. To increase the health of the population and improve the quality of its medical care, it is necessary to develop more means of scientific communication with their further introduction into the practical activities of health facilities.


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Lazorishinets, V.V., Volosovets, O. P., Kochet, A.M., Gorban, A.Ye., Zakrutko, L.I. & Leshchyshina, A.M. (2014). Pytannia pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti innovatsiynoi ta vynakhidnytskoidiyalnosti y rozvytku transferu medychnykh tekhnolohi u sferi okhorony zdorovia Ukrainy [The issue of improving the efficiency of innovative and inventive activity and the development of transfer of medical technologies in the field of health protection of Ukraine]. Ukrayinskyi medychnyi chasopys – Ukrainian Medical Journal, 4, 142–145 [in Ukrainian].

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How to Cite

Zakrutko, L. I., Bilan, L. G., Ilnitskaya, L. V., Novgorodskaya, L. M., & Myslytskyi, O. V. (2018). MONITORING THE BASIC INNOVATION SUPPLY IN THE HEALTH PROTECTION OF UKRAINE IN 2017. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1).



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