
  • G. O. Slabkiy Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
  • O. M. Dzyuba Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Research of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kiyv, Ukraine
  • O. M. Dzyuba Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Research of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kiyv, Ukraine
  • O. A. Dudina College of Education and Therapy named after prof. Casimir Milanovsky, Poznan, Poland
  • O. A. Dudina College of Education and Therapy named after prof. Casimir Milanovsky, Poznan, Poland
  • Yu. Yu. Gaborets Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Research of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kiyv, Ukraine
  • Yu. Yu. Gaborets Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Research of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kiyv, Ukraine



infants, disability total, primary, indices, structure.


Purpose: to study and analyze the indices of disability among infant population in Ukraine.

Materials and Methods. The data of State statistical reporting for the years 2013–2017 were used as materials of research. Statistical method was applied in the course of research.

Results. The total index of infants’ disability is decreasing alongside with increasing index of the prevalence of disability among infants that is caused by endocrine diseases, nutrition and metabolism disorders, diseases of the skin and fatty tissue, mental and behavioral disorders, diseases of blood circulation. The leading positions in the structure of infants’ disability belong to congenital defects of development, deformations and chromosome anomalies, diseases of the nervous system, mental and behavioral disorders.

Conclusions. High indices of total and primary disability of infants require the development of State program for their rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Slabkiy, G. O., Dzyuba, O. M., Dzyuba, O. M., Dudina, O. A., Dudina, O. A., Gaborets, Y. Y., & Gaborets, Y. Y. (2018). CHARACTERISTICS OF DISABILITY AMONG INFANT POPULATION IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1).



Health of the population:tendencies and forecasts