
  • O. Ye. Sichkoriz Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine



postgraduate education, doctors training model, residency, knowledge indicator, health care organization.


Purpose: analytical research and study of the postgraduate medical education organization experience in different countries of the world in order to improve the level of postgraduate education in Ukraine.

Materials and Methods. The paper adduces the analytical research of the literary sources concerning international experience in organizing postgraduate education in the world.

Results. It is well known, that in the leading countries of the world the experience of specialists training in the medical sector differs from Ukrainian in both content and volume. The structure of medical postgraduate education is formed depending on the model of the health care system in each country, the structure of the national health system, its financing, the country's economic development and cultural level. All this leads to some terminological differences and relativity in comparison of learning processes.

Conclusions. In developed countries the level of postgraduate education is rather high, but today some stagnation and inertia are present as well, which impede its progress and improvement according to modern conditions that are constantly changing. Professional training programs in developed countries are more diverse. Universities are constantly offering a wide range of training programs.


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How to Cite

Sichkoriz, O. Y. (2018). ANALYTICAL RESEARCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF MEDICAL POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION ORGANIZATION. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4).



The international experience