
  • S. G. Saksonov O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine




ophthalmologists, qualification level, forms of professional upgrading, professional development, training needs.


Purpose: to identify professional and qualification level of  ophthalmologists and their training and information needs.

Materials and Methods. Bibliographic, medical-statistical, sociological and informational-analytical methods are used for this study.

Results. As a result of the survey conducted among ophthalmologists  (65.2±3.3) per 100 respondents assessed their qualification level as high, (12.4±2.3) – as low and (22.3±2.9) refrained from assessment.

Almost half of the respondents attend training courses once in 5 years. Herewith (18.6±2.7) per 100 respondents did it twice and more times a year while  (12.4±2.3) attended training courses less often than once in 5 years. (12.9±2.3)  never attended training courses. The respondents explained such low attendance by impossibility to discontinue job (42.2±3.3), reduced salary for the training period (13.8±2.3), high cost of accommodation and travel (26.6±3.0), high cost of some commercial medical upgrading courses (74.3±3.0).

The need in further professional upgrading was confirmed by (75.0±3.0) ophthalmologists per 100 respondents among forms of professional upgrading the ophthalmologists.

Conclusions. The obtained results on qualification level of the ophthalmologists, their current informational and training needs are an important prerequisite for developing reliable measures. 


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How to Cite

Saksonov, S. G. (2018). LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICAL SKILLS AND TRAINING NEEDS OF OPHTHALMOLOGISTS. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2017.4.8657



Medical personnel training