
  • V. A. Gandziuk State Institution of Science "Research and Practical Centre of Preventive and Clinical Medicine" State Administration Department, Kyiv, Ukraine



clinical examination, preventive examinations, screening programs, prevention management, NCD.


Purpose: to identify the areas for improving the regulatory and legal support for NCD prevention measures in the adult population in the context of a multidisciplinary health care institution on the basis of generalization and analysis of legal acts in the health care system of Ukraine.

Materials and Methods. The official normative documents on the management of the prevention of noncommunicable diseases were considered. On the analysis of their use of content analysis, a systematic approach and analysis, bibliographic and historical methods.

Results. Improvement of preventive measures among the population, based on the general definition of "medical examination", provides for the development and implementation of periodic preventive examinations among adults according to the principle of their conduct in target groups, the methodological basis for which should be screening programs for early detection of the most common NCD.

Conclusions. When carrying out the content analysis of the legal framework on prevention management in Ukraine, it is established that among the current orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine there are no clear criteria reflecting the degree of adherence to the organizational principles for the provision of preventive care, as a result, the quality of preventive care and its effectiveness is not assessed, and modern management technologies are not used.


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How to Cite

Gandziuk, V. A. (2018). STATUS OF NORMATIVE-LEGAL REGULATION OF CONTROL OF PREVENTION OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4).



Organization of medical care