
  • L. P. Melnyk Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary
  • V. D. Rudyk Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary
  • T. V. Romayiv Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary
  • S. V. Madych Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary
  • L. A. Hrinchenko Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary
  • N. B. Pelekhat Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary




sarcoidosis, morbidity, prevalence.


Purpose: to evaluate the incidence and prevalence of sarcoidosis in the Ternopil region and to study the gender, age characteristics of the patients.

Materials and Methods. We analyzed 341 cards of ambulatory patient with sarcoidosis, who were at the dispensary observation in the Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary during 1985–2017.

Results. The prevalence of sarcoidosis in Ternopil region is 32.3 per 100 thousand population, this indicator for the urban population is 3 times higher than for rural residents. The incidence of sarcoidosis in the region for 10 years (2005–2015) has increased almost in 4 times, and in 2016 it was 4.0 per 100 thousand population, which is 1.5 times higher than the maximum inUkraine.

Conclusions. The prevalence and morbidity of sarcoidosis in the Ternopil region exceeds the maximum inUkraine by 4 and 1.5 times respectively. Sarcoidosis is more likely to be detected in city dwellers, especially in stage I, which is probably due to better access of people to specialized medical facilities, while residents of the oblast find more complicated for diagnostic ІІ and ІV stages.

Author Biography

L. P. Melnyk, Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary



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How to Cite

Melnyk, L. P., Rudyk, V. D., Romayiv, T. V., Madych, S. V., Hrinchenko, L. A., & Pelekhat, N. B. (2018). FEATURES OF SARCOIDOSIS IN TERNOPIL REGION. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2017.4.8272



Health of the population:tendencies and forecasts