
  • M. M. Denysenko ДУ «ІНПН НАМН України», м. Харків




neurasthenia, addictions, comorbidity, clinical-psychopathological signs, diagnostic criteria.


Purpose: to determine the clinical features and regularity of the formation of neurasthenia with increased risk of addictive behavior.

Materials and Methods. Clinical and psychopathological research; A system of AUDIT-like tests for comprehensive assessment of addictive status; A clinical questionnaire for the detection and evaluation of neurotic conditions.

Results. Thus, according to the results of the study of patients with neurasthenia associated with additive disorders, characterizes the protracted type of formation of a neurotic disorder, the presence of emotionallyisolating psycho traumatic factors, a wide range of clinical and psychopathological symptoms, with the dominance of somato-vegetative and depressive manifestations, as well as the representation in syndromic structure of the leading asthenic syndrome on the background of somato-vegetative, dysphoric or depressive syndromes. As the most informative markers for the presence of addictions in patients with neurasthenia, the presence of a protracted disease (MI = 0.83) and dysphoric syndrome (MI = 0.8) has been identied.

 In the formation of neurotic disorders with addicts, the combination of acute and chronic psychotropic factors from various spheres of human life was used mainly; in addition, a signicant part in the formation of neuroses with addictions belonged to the emotional and isolation psycho-traumatic factors associated with the experience of feeling of loneliness and alienation.

The obtained data can be used to improve the programs of diagnosis, prevention and therapy of patients with neurasthenia.

Author Biography

M. M. Denysenko, ДУ «ІНПН НАМН України», м. Харків

к. мед. наук, старший науковий співробітник відділу невідкладної психіатріїї ДУ «Інститут неврології, психіатрії та наркології НАМН України» +380506331470


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How to Cite

Denysenko, M. M. (2018). DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA OF NEURASTHENIA WITH AN INCREASED RISK OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3). https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2017.3.8270



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