
  • M. I. Kovtun Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital № 14 named Prof. L.L. Hirschman, Kharkiv, Ukraine



nurses, professional opinion, reform and forms of health system organization.


The aim of the investigation is to determine the professional opinion of nurses based on eye care in patients.

Materials and methods. 175 nurses and 114 physicians were surveyed using the developed quiz. The professional activity of nurses and physicians is associated with ophthalmological aid.  Nurses and physicians who took part in the survey work were from different cities of Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepr, Lvov, Sumy). The method of alternative indications and nonparametric criterion χ2 with Yates correction was used to process results.

Results. It was established that 98 (56±3,8)% of surveyed nurses are pleased with the work and want to work more for good wages, 87 (50±3,8)% of surveyed nurses are not pleased with their activity, 103 (59±4,8)% of surveyed people determines the necessity of the reform of health system. Insurance medicine (64% of surveyed nurses) is the most convenient form of health system organization, (15% of surveyed people) contains the family practice, the third place takes medicine with multiple financing (10% of surveyed nurses) (based on opinion of major part of nurses from all cities).

When we compared opinion of physicians and nurses of different forms of health system it was determined that in comparison with nurses, physicians prefer insurance medicine in 33% cases, medicine with multiple financing in 41%, and only 2% of physicians choose family practice.

Conclusions. Differences in opinion of medical workers to their work and different forms of organization of Health System of Ukraine can be determined by peculiarities of their professional activity, material and technical supplies, and financing of medical institutions in which they work.


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How to Cite

Kovtun, M. I. (2017). PECULIARITIES OF PROFESSIONAL NURSES’ OPINION BASED ON EYE CARE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1).



Organization of medical care