
  • M. I. Herasymyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



chronic tonsillitis, age, sex, symptoms, laboratory parameters.


Purpose: to compare the morbidity level of chronic tonsillitis among men and women of working age and set its the most common symptoms.

Materials and methods. Was perfomed a retrospective analysis of 272 patients cards with decompensated chronic tonsillitis, who were treated at the ENT department of municipal institutions of Ternopil Regional Council "Ternopil University Hospital" at the period from 2014 to 2016 years.

Results. Was comparison the incidence of chronic tonsillitis by gender and was set the age period of the most frequent development. Was analyzed the frequency of various symptoms and results of laboratory tests.

Conclusions. Mostly decompensated chronic tonsillitis registered in the age period from 18 to 44 years, and its 1.43 times more often in women than men. The most characteristic symptoms of decompensated chronic tonsillitis are: annual recurrent tonsillitis, sore throat with periodic amplification, scratchy, fits of coughing, redness and swelling of the tonsils edges of brackets, the presence of liquid, thick or as caseous pus plugs in crypts. In general blood investigation the moderate leukocytosis with a high content of band neutrophils and lymphocytes and acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be found. Quite often low content of red blood cells can be recorded.


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How to Cite

Herasymyuk, M. I. (2017). GENDER AND AGE CHARACTERISTICS AND RESULTS OF CLINICAL EXAMINATION OF PATIENTS WHO UNDERWENT TONSILLECTOMY. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4).



Health of the population:tendencies and forecasts