
  • S. V. Linnikov WHO Office in Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine
  • I. S. Myroniuk Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine



sanitary education, health promotion, public health, Ukraine


Purpose: to determine the state and position of sanitary education and health promotion among the population and their prospects for development in the public health system of Ukraine at the present stage.

Materials and Methods. The article employs the bibliosemantic method and methods of content and structural-logical analysis. The research materials include the global experience of development and implementation of information and communication campaigns in public health, methodological approaches to organizing and implementing sanitary education and health promotion.

Results. The historical aspect of the establishment of sanitary education as an important and independent direction of public health system work is analyzed. Modern approaches to defining health determinants as the basis for forming approaches to the substantive content of sanitary education are critically examined. The contemporary understanding of health awareness definitions is outlined, and the structural-functional content of modern health education models is analyzed. The state of sanitary education in Ukraine, its problematic aspects, and potential development directions are determined.

Conclusions. The potential of sanitary education as an instrument of social change in political activities in modern healthcare has been somewhat forgotten. Today’s understanding of sanitary education has been limited to interpersonal communication and media campaigns aimed at individual health-preserving practices and actions, as well as the use of preventive medical services. If achieving sanitary education, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a goal, then a certain reassessment of the importance of sanitary education is necessary, as well as significant expansion of the content and methods used.

Author Biographies

S. V. Linnikov, WHO Office in Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine

graduate student of the Department of Health Sciences, Uzhhorod National University

I. S. Myroniuk, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), professor of the Department of Health Sciences, Uzhhorod National University


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How to Cite

Linnikov, S. V., & Myroniuk, I. S. (2023). MODERN SYSTEM OF SANITARY EDUCATION IN UKRAINE AS A COMPONENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAMS. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 5–12.



Health and society