
  • V. V. Chorna M. Pyrohov National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • L. B. Furman Vinnytsia Regional Center for Postgraduate Education of Medical Workers , Vinnytsia , Ukraine
  • V. M. Podolian M. Pyrohov National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine




Purpose: to carry out a hygienic substantiation of measures to optimize the functioning of health care facilities and prevention, early diagnosis of mental health disorders as the basis of occupational diseases of health care facilities.

Materials and Methods. The method of comparative theoretical analysis of data of Ukraine and international experience on the state of occupational diseases and mental health disorders as the basis of occupational diseases of health care institutions is using.

Results. The article provides a hygienic justification of measures to optimize the functioning of health care facilities and prevention, early diagnosis of mental health disorders as the basis of occupational diseases of health care facilities.

Occupational harmful factors are the risk of disease, exacerbation of somatic diseases, the formation of chronic pathology, morbidity with temporary disability of health workers (MP). In Ukraine, the main traumatic sectors of the economy and types of work include health care – 74 % (2582 injured, including 82 –fatalities during the pandemic COVID-19) and causes increased medical, social, economic losses to society and states.

The types of motivation that can be used in state or municipal CHCs of Ukraine, both tangible and intangible interest of MS to create an effective motivational mechanism.

Conclusions. The model of "Occupational Health Centers" of the CHP is proposing. The functions of these institutions include electronic monitoring of health and diseases of MP, medical examination, preventive counseling, assistance in training/retraining / advanced training of medical personnel. Based on the obtained data, measures are proposing to improve the health of MP: development of relevant legal documents on health and safety in the medical field, improvement of the in-hospital environment, nutrition, psychological relief by creating "Occupational Health Centers".

Author Biographies

V. V. Chorna, M. Pyrohov National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military, M. Pyrohov National Medical University, Vinnytsia

L. B. Furman, Vinnytsia Regional Center for Postgraduate Education of Medical Workers , Vinnytsia , Ukraine

the director of the Vinnytsia Regional Center for Postgraduate Education of Medical Workers, Vinnytsia

V. M. Podolian, M. Pyrohov National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine, M. Pyrohov National Medical University


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How to Cite

Chorna, V. V., Furman, L. B., & Podolian, V. M. (2021). HYGIENIC MEASURES TO OPTIMIZE THE FUNCTIONING OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES AND DISEASE PREVENTION OF HEALTH WORKERS . Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2021.2.12381



Organization of medical care