
  • D. Ye. Moskviak-Lesniak Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
  • A. V. Krasivska Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
  • I. T. Zhygaliak Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine



caesarian section, indications for caesarean section, second labours


Purpose: research and analysis of factors that influence on the increase of frequency of realization caesarian section in the maternity hospitals of Lviv (in 2017– 2018).

Materials and Methods. The objects of the study were obstetricians and doctors of obstetricians-gynecolo­gists of maternity hospitals in the city of Lviv: Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "Maternity Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lviv", Maternity Department of Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "3 City Clinical Hospital in Lviv", Municipal Institution of Lviv Regional Hospital Center.

A one-time, cohort study was conducted using the following methods: anonymous individual questionnaire; retrospective analysis of the statistical report of the structure of indications for caesarean section at the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "Maternity Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lviv" in 2018 (1180 operations) and 2017 (1006 operations); statistical; analytical. The average (M ± SE) and relative indices were calculated.

Results. In 2018, the method of delivery by caesarean section was chosen in 25.7 % of the total number of births, which increased 1.2 times compared to 2017 – 20.8 %. Among the women surveyed, about 86 % of parturition women are pregnant, of whom 10 % are with multiple pregnancies. Analyzing the proportion of physio­logical childbirth at the first pregnancy – 52 %, repeated pregnancy – 34 % and cesarean section – 48 and 66 % respectively in the women giving birth, it was found that the number of repeated childbirths by caesarean section increased 1.26 times. It was found that the increase in the frequency of total deliveries by caesarean section is influenced by the presence of medical indications (90.58 %), in particular: scar on the uterus after caesarean section surgery – 27.12 %, fetal distress – 14.16 %, pelvic and tender presentation – 9.7 %; increase in the number of repeated births after the previous CS; an increase in the frequency of chronic diseases in the anamnesis: varicose veins of the lower extremities, decreased visual acuity, hypertension, diabetes; psychological factor (emotional stress on the part of relatives and childbirth; fear provoked by the community; fear of pain; fear of childbirth); the desire of the woman (after a previous C-section).

Conclusions. The increase in the frequency of total deliveries by CS in maternity hospitals in Lviv is influenced by: medical indications; increase in the number of repeated births after the previous CS; an increase in the incidence of chronic diseases in history; psychological factor; desire of woman.

Author Biographies

D. Ye. Moskviak-Lesniak, Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine

Moskvyak-Lesnyak Dzvenyslava Yevgenivna - PhD (Medicine), teaching assistant in department of social medicine, economy and organization of health protection in Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, executing duties of the manager of the gynecological department in the communal noncommercial enterprise "Clinical maternity hospital № 1 Lviv".

A. V. Krasivska, Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine

Krasivska Andriana Volodymyrivna – 6th year student at the general  medicine faculty  in Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

I. T. Zhygaliak, Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine

Zhygaliak Irina Tarasivna - a student of the 6th year of medical faculty of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University


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How to Cite

Moskviak-Lesniak, D. Y., Krasivska, A. V., & Zhygaliak, I. T. (2019). RESEARCH OF THE FACTORS WHICH INCREASE LEVEL OF CAESARIAN SECTION IN 2017–2018. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 25–29.



Health of the population:tendencies and forecasts