
  • I. H. Savka Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • N. M. Kalyniuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine



health care system, rights, legal status, doctor, medical aid


Purpose: definition of the rights of medical workers while medical aid in the context of reformation of the health care system.

Materials and Methods. The methodological basis of the research is a set of general and special scientific methods of cognition. The current normative-legal acts, analyzed using a set of methods: comparative-legal, structural-logical, system-analytical, formal-logical and method of theoretical analysis, observing the principles of biotic norms and rules; formulation and systematization of conclusions.

Results. The analysis of the current normative-legal acts gives grounds to confirm that the rights of medical workers should be divided into two groups: general and special. The general rights of medical workers include working conditions, the protection of their health, social protection, the right to appropriate conditions of professional activity; the right to establish medical scientific societies, trade unions and other public organizations; the right to judicial protection; the right to medical activities in accordance with specialty and qualification; the right to confirm qualification, retraining in the appropriate institutions and establishments. The special rights of a health worker should include the following: the right to provide information about the patient without his consent or the consent of his legal representative; the right to refuse the further care of a patient; the right to medical intervention without the consent of the patient and/or his legal representatives.

Conclusions. The rights of a doctor while medical aid should be divided into general and special. The professional rights of a doctor, which are noted in the current national legislation, are, for the most part, declarative. This is due to the lack of developed by-law acts, which should provide the mechanism for their implementation, taking into account the requirements of nowadays. The application of foreign experience, the implementation of international standards into national legislation, in particular regarding the implementation of doctor’s right to object on the grounds of conscience, will provide more professional protection of a doctor and improve the quality of medical care.

Author Biography

I. H. Savka, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

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How to Cite

Savka, I. H., & Kalyniuk, N. M. (2019). TO THE RIGHTS OF THE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE REFORMING OF THE HEALTH SYSTEM. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 62–67.



Reforming of health care system