
  • T. O. Kordys I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • O. P. Mialiuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • M. I. Marushchak I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • I. V. Bushynska Rivne Medical College



nursing care, HIV, patients.


Abstract. The article analyzes the role of a nurse in providing care for HIV patients. It has been shown that the catastrophic spread of the human immunodeficiency virus necessitates a clear organization of medical staff work with HIV-infected patients, which substantiates the need to increase the level of knowledge of the nurse in the field of medical science. Medical nurses must constantly remember that the contingent they work with is people with severe chronic illness, not only medical but also psychological pathology. It is necessary to be very attentive, carefully carry out all algorithms, to use all deontological achievements of medical science and to constantly raise your level of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Kordys, T. O., Mialiuk, O. P., Marushchak, M. I., & Bushynska, I. V. (2018). ORGANIZATION OF THE NURSES WORK WITH HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS. Nursing, (3).


