physical therapy, posture, foot deformity, rehabilitation, musculoskeletal systemAbstract
Introduction. Posture disorders are one of the most common problems among young people, accounting for 90 % of all cases of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, every fourth child in Ukraine has a deviation in posture. The largest share of spinal deformities is observed in children older than 7 years; and among teenagers aged 10 to 17, postural disorders are found in almost 94 % of cases. The main factors of such a high level of prevalence are the modern way of life, in particular, long-term sitting at the computer, non-compliance of furniture in educational institutions with hygienic requirements and individual morphological features, as well as insufficient physical activity among young people.
The aim of the study – to analyze the role of physical therapy in correcting posture in children with foot deformities, to determine the most effective methods of physical rehabilitation.
The main part. Physical therapy plays a key role in correcting posture in children with foot deformities such as flat feet, valgus, or varus deformity. Violation of the biomechanics of the foot affects the formation of incorrect posture, which can lead to scoliosis, gait disorders and other orthopedic problems. Physical therapy includes individually selected sets of exercises to strengthen foot muscles, improve joint mobility and restore body balance. Regular exercise in combination with the supervision of a specialist helps to reduce the symptoms of deformities and normalize the posture, improving the general physical condition of the child and preventing the development of complications in the future.
Conclusions. Physical therapy is an effective approach in correcting posture in children with foot deformities, helping to restore the correct body position and improve motor function. Systematic use of individually selected exercises and therapeutic methods not only reduces the severity of deformations, but also prevents the development of secondary complications. Early intervention and constant monitoring by a specialist increase the effectiveness of treatment, ensuring the child’s harmonious physical development.
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